Awards & Honours 2017
P. Bajaj, A. Gupta, E. Jägle and D. Raabe had the Best Poster in the category - Ingot and Powder Matallurgical Processes - at the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes, 'ADMAT 2017' SkyMat. Dez 2017 |
Dr. M. Kuzmina, Dr. M. Herbig and Prof. D. Raabe received the ASM Henry Marion Howe Medal for 2017 for the entitled paper "Autonomous Filling of Grain-Boundry Cavaties during Creep Loading in Fe-Mo Alloys" from the ASM International. (Zhang, S., Fang, H., Gramsma, M.E. et al. Metall and Mat Trans A (2016) 47: 4831. ) October 2017 |
MPI für Eisenforschung GmbH reaches the 3rd best position Humboldt-Ranking among all non-university reserach organizations in Germany with 30 won scholarships between 2012-2016. September 2017 |
Chuanlai Liu has been awarded with the Best Oral Presentation Award at the EUROMAT 2017 in Thessaloniki. September 2017 |
Till Freieck was honored with the Max-Planck-Azubipreis for outstanding achievements during his apprenticeship. August 2017 |
Shyam Katnagallu and Zirong Peng have been awarded with the IFES Student Award of the International Field Emission Society. August 2017 |
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Kürnsteiner won the M&M Student Paper Award 2017 with his paper "In-process Precipitation During Laser Additive Manufacturing Investigated by Atom Probe Tomography" . The Prize is annually awarded by the Microanalysis Society. August 2017 |
Prof. D. Raabe is Vice Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Physical Metallurgy held 23rd - 28th of July 2017 at the University of New England in Biddeford, ME, USA. July 2017 |
A. Kwiatkowski da Silva, D. Ponge, G. Inden, B. Gault and D. Raabe received a Poster Award at the Gordon Research Conference : Physical Metallurgy for their poster "Physical Metallurgy of segregation, austenite reversion, carbide precipitation and related phenomena in medium Mn steels". July 2017 |
The article "Combinatorial Alloy Design by Laser Additive Manufacturing" by H. Knoll, S. Ocylok, A. Weisheit, H. Springer, E. Jägle and D. Raabe has been selected for the "Best of Steel 2017". May 2017 |
Heidi Bögershausen and Luca Bender gained the 2nd poster prize at the "Fachtagung für Mikroskopie und Präparation (MikPräp) 2017" with their poster about "Haushalts- und Lebensmittel als alternative Ätzmethoden". April 2017 |
Dr. Martin Diehl, Christian Broß and Prof. Dierk Raabe won the 3rd poster prize with the poster "Quasi in situ Untersuchung der statischen Rekristallisation in DC 04 Stahl" at the "Fachtagung für Mikroskopie und Präparation (MikPräp) 2017". April 2017 |
Dr. Michael Herbig received the Outstanding Reviewer Award by Acta/Scripta Materialia, 2017 |
Dr. Michael Herbig has been awarded the "Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing" from Scripta Materialia for 2016. March 2017 |
Dr. Michael Herbig was honoured with the AIME Champion H. Mathewson Award 2017 by the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Jan 2017 |
Prof. D. Raabe is Senator of Helmholtz Society. Since 2017 |