How to Join Us
Join our innovative and international team with people from over 35 nations, gain unique expertise and make lifelong connections!
The Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials offers several apprenticed professions and cooperates with the IU university in terms of dual studies. Please find detailed information about both apprenticeships and dual study programs here.
Bachelor- or Master Thesis
The institute offers various possibilities for conducting a bachelor- or master thesis in the field of modern material sciences. You are most welcome to directly contact one of our scientific group leaders or apply to an open position through our job portal.
PhD Thesis
We are always searching for talented PhD candidates. Please directly contact one of our scientific group leaders, apply to our international doctoral program "IMPRS for Sustainable Metallurgy" or have a look at our open positions.
PostDoctoral Positions
Are you interested in doing a PostDoc with us? Outstanding international scientists are welcome to perform their research at the institute. You can either send a speculative application to the respective Research Group or apply to an announced open position.
Please also have a look at our guest program that offers scholarships for postdoctoral researchers. And please reach out if you already have an own funding source and need us to serve as a host institution.
Positions in non-scientific fields like administration, IT and technical service units
Our scientific team is supported by excellent technical and administrative staff. To join these units, please have a look at the overview of current job offers.We also welcome career changers and newcomers in the field.
Reconcilation of Work & Family, Health offers, Home Office
Working at MPI SusMat means not only finding the best possible scientific and non-scientific equipment, but also having the best possible working environment. A family service provider is available to our employees for all questions related to work and family. In addition to the classic provision of childcare facilities, its portfolio also includes eldercare and homecare, i.e. care of relatives, provision of house personnel and advice on the subject. Moreover, the service provides seminars on stress and time management or resilience and an individual psychologial support, if needed. In addition, we can offer our employees occupancy places (for under 3-year-olds) in a children's daycare close to the campus. In recognition of its efforts to reconcile work and family life, the Max Planck Society and its institutes have been awarded with the certificate berufundfamilie, which stands for a sustainable, family-friendly personnel policy. Moreover, we provide internal health courses and a mobile health application. You are also free to work partly from home.