Research Departments

Our departments dedicate their research to specific fields while simultaneously working together in interdisciplinary key topics.

The Computational Materials Design (CM) Department aims at the development and application of hierarchical and fully parameter-free multiscale methods which allow to simulate iron, steel and related materials with hitherto unprecedented accuracy. [more]
The Department of Interface Chemistry and Surface Engineering (GO) is mainly focussing on corrosion and electrochemical energy conversion. It is internationally known to be one of the leading groups in the field of electrochemical sciences. Our mission is to combine both fundamental and applied sciences to tackle key-questions for a progress towards new or better, energy saving and efficient, cheaper and longer lasting materials for applications as structural (in particular steels and other alloys) and functional materials, e.g. for fuel cell catalysts, pre-treatments and smart coatings amongst others. [more]
The department ‘Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design’ investigates the fundamentals of the relations between synthesis, microstructure and properties of often complex nanostructured materials. The focus lies on metallic alloys such as aluminium, titanium, steels, high and medium entropy alloys, superalloys, magnesium, magnetic and thermoelectric alloys. We investigate the microstructures and properties using theory and advanced characterization methods from the single atom level up to the macroscopic scale.
Plasticity, fatigue, and fracture of materials arise from localized deformation processes, which can be altered by the materials’ environment. Unravelling these mechanisms at variable temperatures and different atmospheres (like hydrogen), are essential to enhance mechanical performance and lifespan. This requires to understand the microstructure and its evolution down to the atomic level. The department is dedicated to crafting materials with superior mechanical properties by elucidating deformation mechanisms. This involves employing advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques and conducting nano-/micromechanical tests on complex, micro-architectured and/or miniaturized materials. [more]
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