Scientific Events

Organised by: Jörg Neugebauer (Max-Planck-Institut for Sustainable Materials), Juergen Fuhrmann (Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS)), Richard Hennig (University of Florida), Mauro Maggioni (John Hopkins University)Keith Promislow (Michigan State University), Katsuyo ... [more]

Mechanics and physics of fracture - Minisymposium @ ESMC2025

Mechanics and physics of fracture
  • Start: Jul 7, 2025
  • End: Jul 11, 2025
  • Location: Lyon, France
Organisers : Véronique Lazarus (ENSTA Paris), Erik Bitzek (MPI-SusMat) and Matteo Ciccoti (ESPCI, Paris) [more]
Organisers:Erik Bitzek (Max-Planck-Institut for Sustainable Materials), James Kermode (University of Warwick), Gianpietro Moras (Fraunhofer IWM), Lars Pastewka (University of Freiburg), Céline Varvenne (CNRS) [more]
The workshop will bring together leading scientist in from both theory and experiment investigating electron-transfer dynamics at interfaces to discuss possibilities, requirements and challenges for the predictive modelling of electron-transfer dynamics, with a focus on electrochemical solid/liquid ... [more]

Temperature dependence of hydrogen embrittlement

The defactant concept allows to predict why at higher temperature the formation energy of vacancies, dislocations and surfaces is no longer decreased by hydrogen, because it is not trapped to these defects any more. Thus failure due to hydrogen embrittlement is not present at high temperatures. At ... [more]

Make it and break it: Contact and Cracks at soft interfaces

Abstract: Some of the most pressing challenges in engineering science arise when materials are adjacent to one another - from the bottom of an impacting droplet to the separating faces of a crack. Here I will discuss two vignettes on these important topics: first, a calibrated, nano-scale, direct ... [more]
We’re pleased to announce the 10th edition of our world-famous NRW-APT user meeting, hosted at the Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials. And on its 10th anniversary, we aim to bring APT users together from not only NRW but from all across Europe! We expect an emphasis on: - ... [more]
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