Your PhD @ Max Planck - Exploring Doctoral Programs

Your PhD @ Max Planck - Exploring Doctoral Programs
  • Date: Aug 22, 2024
  • Time: 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Location: Online (Zoom)
  • Room: Zoom
Are you a Master's student who wants to explore the prospect of doing a PhD in Germany? Join us for a unique webinar event designed to give you an insight into the benefits of doing a PhD at the prestigious Max Planck Society as part of an International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) in North ... [more]

Synthesis and Characterisation of High Entropy Metal Chalcogenides

High entropy materials are materials with 5 or more principle components within crystalline lattices. High entropy metal chalcogenides are a recent (since 2016) development in this area that have shown exceptional promise in both thermoelectric energy conversion and electrocatalysis. However, these ... [more]

Mechano-catalytic depolymerization of plastic waste

MPI SusMat Colloquium
Only 12% of plastic waste is recycled, mainly because the predominantly applied technique of melting and re-extrusion produces a lower quality material [1]. Alternatively, chemical depolymerization can produce monomers to make high-quality plastics again. [more]

Hydrogen effects on the deformation and fracture of alloys

MPI SusMat Colloquium
The increasing demand on lightweight structures requires high-strength materials. However, with increasing strength many materials show an increasing susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement. Hence, it is of vital interest to understand the mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement. [more]

Designing thermoelectric chalcogenides with atom probe tomography

Thermoelectric materials can realize waste heat recovery and solid-state refrigeration, providing sustainable solutions to the energy crisis and environmental pollution. The performance of thermoelectric materials is gauged by the transport of electrons and phonons. Materials with fast electron ... [more]
Defects and Grain boundaries have a remarkable effect on the thermal and electrical transport properties of polycrystalline materials but are often ignored by prevailing physical theories. Grain boundaries and interfaces can adversely alter the properties of Power Electronics, Solar Cells ... [more]
In recent decades, extensive efforts have been done to develop new and more efficient alternative energy sources, which can substitute conventional sources like gas, petrol, and carbon, have been made. Due to the increase in energy consumed by society, we not only need an alternative to ... [more]
Due to its high diffusivity hydrogen atoms alloy with metals even at room temperature. At this temperature, the materials microstructure remains rather stable. When the system size is reduced to the nano-scale, microstructural defects as well as mechanical stress significantly affect the ... [more]

Sustainability and raw materials: do we have them enough?

Materials play a crucial role in driving the twin transition, a key strategy of the European Union to address current and future environmental challenges. Currently, improving the efficiency of solar cells and the capacity of battery storage is essential for achieving a Net Zero Carbon society ... [more]

Constant strain rate nanoindentation up to 10,000 s-1 for reliable extraction of mechanical properties and activation parameters

The use of nanoindentation-based techniques to study high strain rate deformation behavior of materials is of immense scientific interest because it enables investigating the strain rate dependence of individual grains and small-scale structures. While nanoindentation impact tests, capable of ... [more]

Refractory alloys and composites - pathways to improved performance

Refractory metals and their alloys are considered a versatile group of high temperature resistant materials. Promising design approaches to extend their application range include the modification of both existing commercial materials, but also novel alloys that are still at earlier stages of ... [more]

Strengthening and Toughening Mechanisms in Metal-Graphene Nanolayered Composites

Nanoscale metal-graphene nanolayered composites are known to have ultra-high strength due to the ability of graphene to effectively block dislocations from penetrating through the metal-graphene interface. The same graphene interface can deflect generated cracks, thereby serving as a toughening ... [more]
In the search for new energy sources, nuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium is one of the most promising options for human kind. However, thermonuclear fusion has set an enormous challenge to theory, experiment and technology due to the harsh environment that will take place in a future nuclear ... [more]

New in-situ and operando techniques for correlative microscopy and chemical imaging : Case studies in mapping hydrogen and other low-Z elements in energy materials

Development of innovative characterization tools is of paramount importance to advance the frontiers of science and technology in nearly all areas of research. In order to overcome the limitations of individual techniques, correlative microscopy has been recognized as a powerful approach to obtain ... [more]

Mesoscale simulation of grain boundaries

The mechanical behavior of most metals in engineering applications is dominated by the grain size. Physics-based models of the interaction between dislocations and the grain boundary are important to correctly predict the plastic deformation behavior of polycrystalline materials. Dislocation-grain ... [more]
Our aim is to understand processes that lead to the emergence of catalytic function though direct observation using a combination of operando scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Starting with simple model catalysts, such as polycrystalline metal foils, we observe the propagation of ... [more]
Many of the functional materials we hope to leverage for next-generation technological applications — such as computing, energy harvesting and storage, or communication devices — draw their unique and sometimes exotic properties from a suite of interactions between the atoms, spins, and charges in ... [more]

Atomistic Dynamics of Deformation, Fracture and GB Migration in Oxides

In order to clarify the deformation and fracture mechanism in oxides such as Al2O3 and STO, TEM in situ nanoindentation experiments were conducted for their single crystals and bicrystals. We successfully observed the dynamic behavior of twin formation, twin-GB interaction, pile-up dislocation, jog ... [more]

Information session on pensions in Europe and VBL

International researchers from MPIE and from HHU Düsseldorf are welcome to attend our information session on the German pension system and VBL.Register for the talk if you are interested in: German and European pension schemes, VBL, the Occupational Pension Scheme, Pension payments & rights when ... [more]

Hydrogen permeation based potentiometry is a recently developed experimental technique to measure electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) rates at in-accessible polymer/metal interfaces relevant for corrosion driven coating delamination

Hydrogen permeation based potentiometry is a recently developed experimental technique to measure electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) rates at in-accessible polymer/metal interfaces relevant for corrosion driven coating delamination
  • Date: Nov 14, 2023
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Vijayshankar Dandapani
  • Dr. -Ing. Vijayshankar Dandapani is an Assistant Professor at the Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science Department, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay. He is an alumnus of the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH (MPIE), Düsseldorf where he did his PhD work with PD Dr. Michael Rohwerder. His current research is in using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to characterise hydrogen and stress induced interface changes relevant for corrosion of metals.
  • Location: MPIE, virtual seminar
  • Host: Dr. Patricia Jovičević-Klug
  • Contact:
Hydrogen permeation based potentiometry is a recently developed experimental technique to measure electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) rates at in-accessible polymer/metal interfaces relevant for corrosion driven coating delamination. In this talk, the results from combining ... [more]

Local Phase Transformations: A New Creep Strengthening Mechanism in Ni-Base Superalloys

Polycrystalline Ni-based superalloys are vital materials for disks in the hot section of aerospace and land-based turbine engines due to their exceptional microstructural stability and strength at high temperatures. In order to increase operating temperatures and hold times in these engines, hence ... [more]

High-resolution micro-plasticity in advanced high-strength steels

The persistent demand for green, strong and ductile advanced high strength steels, with a reduced climate footprint, calls for novel and improved multi-phase microstructures. The development of these new steels requires an in-depth understanding of the governing plasticity mechanisms at the micron ... [more]

An atoms eye view of Solar System Evolution

An atoms eye view of Solar System Evolution
  • Date: Sep 15, 2023
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. Luke Daly, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
  • Dr Luke Daly is a Reader in Planetary Geoscience at the University of Glasgow. He completed his MSc degree in Geology at Imperial College London. His PhD was with Prof. Phil Bland at Curtin University Australia which focused on platinum group element alloys in meteorites. His current research focusses on applying correlative microscopy including atom probe tomography to meteorites and asteroid sample return mission materials in order to understand how our Solar System formed and evolved: in particular, trying to answer the question of how Earth became a habitable planet. He is a participating scientist on JAXA's Hayabusa 2 mission and treasurer of the UK Fireball Alliance - a network of meteor cameras that successfully recovered the Winchcombe meteorite in 2021.
  • Location: MPIE, virtual seminar
  • Host: Dr. Patricia Jovičević-Klug
  • Contact:
Atom probe tomography is a powerful technique that has a long history in Material Science applications, however, it has only recently been applied to geological and extraterrestrial materials. In this talk I will present the work we have been conducting using atom probe tomography to date some of ... [more]

Effect of droplets on inhibitor performance for steel and galvanized steel

Effect of droplets on inhibitor performance for steel and galvanized steel

Real-time hydrogen visualization system with high spatial and temporal resolutions: Imaging the preferential hydrogen permeation at grain boundaries of pure Ni

Real-time hydrogen visualization system with high spatial and temporal resolutions: Imaging the preferential hydrogen permeation at grain boundaries of pure Ni

Stability of electrochemical hydrogen charging into iron in an aqueous solution containing NH₄SCN

Stability of electrochemical hydrogen charging into iron in an aqueous solution containing NH₄SCN

There’s plenty of Room at the (Grain) Boundary

There’s plenty of room at the grain boundary (GB), in which we can manipulate its energy and structure for particular properties in polycrystalline materials. Recently, we observed that the aesthetic of the room quantified by the electrical conductance was changed dramatically by simply by turning ... [more]

Micro-mechanisms of deformation and failure in advanced high strength steels unraveled through full-field strain mapping

Strength and Fracture Resistance in Multicomponent Alloys and Additive Manufactured Materials

It’s with great pleasure that we’re announcing the 9th edition of our world-famous NRW-APT user meeting, hosted at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung!The meeting is planned in person on 16th/17th May 2023If you would like to give a presentation/ participate, please let us know by 2nd of May ... [more]

Exploration of ultra-fast time scales in metallic glasses and crystals

Additive Manufacturing of energy-saving materials

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Transport and thermal measurements in the IMW-PPMS Lab

Transport and thermal measurements in the IMW-PPMS Lab
Where: Seminar room 203 [more]

Unraveling the structures of nanocrystalline materials by combining TEM and XRPD

Unraveling the structures of nanocrystalline materials by combining TEM and XRPD
Where: Seminar room 203 [more]

Bringing metal casting to microfabrication: process development and plastic deformation

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Mechanistic View on Electric Current Induced Kinetic Enhancement and its Various Examples in Materials

International Workshop on Sustainable Metallurgy of Green Steel (GreenSteel2022)

Registration deadline 5th September
Steel is of enduring importance in our society. It has enabled technological progress sustaining human civilization over millennia through structural and functional applications, even under the harshest environmental conditions. However, its production requires huge energy input and emits gigantic ... [more]

Processing and applications of two-dimensional nanosheet inks

(zoom lecture link comes shortly before)Liquid phase exfoliation has been proved to be a cheap, scalable method for the mass production of 2D sheets. This talk will first discuss the galaxy of existent layered materials, with emphasis on synthesis, liquid-phase exfoliation, and characterization ... [more]

Grain boundary-based plasticity: shear coupling migration and disconnections

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Tribologically Induced Deformation Mechanisms and Friction as a Function of Crystal Orientation in Copper

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

High performance Te-free thermoelectric materials and modules for Low-T applications

High performance Te-free thermoelectric materials and modules for Low-T applications
Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Half-Heusler thermoelectric materials: Towards the decoupling between electrons and phonons

Half-Heusler thermoelectric materials: Towards the decoupling between electrons and phonons
Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Hydrogen-DRI in New Zealand: Developing a process for the hydrogen reduction of titanomagnetite ironsand

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Translating insight from the catalysis of green hydrogen and ammonia production to batteries and vice versa

Electrochemistry will play a pivotal role in our transition away from fossil fuels to a net zero society. While batteries and fuel cells are set to decarbonise transportation, electrolysers can enable the sustainable synthesis of our most coveted chemicals, such as H2 and NH3. It turns out that ... [more]

Engineering Grain Boundaries in Thermoelectric Materials

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Design of Novel Hybrid and Solid State Battery Materials and Cell Prototypes

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Salt-concentrated liquid electrolytes: unique features and battery applications

  • Date: Apr 5, 2022
  • Time: 09:00 AM c.t. - 10:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Professor Yuki Yamada
  • The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  • Location: Online
  • Room: Virtual Lecture
(zoom lecture link comes shortly before) An ever-increasing demand for better batteries (with high voltage, high capacity, fast charging, and high safety) has set extraordinarily high standards for electrolyte materials, which are far beyond the realm of conventional nonaqueous electrolyte design ... [more]
(zoom lecture link comes shortly before) Current state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) contain electrode materials with mostly layered structures that serve as host lattices for the reversible, electrochemical intercalation of lithium ions. The kinetics of these intercalation reactions are ... [more]
(zoom lecture link comes shortly before)The improvement of current and new-generation battery technologies requires the discovery of new electrode materials and the continuous development of existing ones. These are complicated processes where materials design (often aided by computational ... [more]

Prussian blue and its derivatives: towards sustainable next-generation energy storage

Portable and stationary rechargeable batteries are within the many energy-related technologies that require fast progress within the urgent need of remediation of global climate. For example, batteries can still represent up to a third of electric vehicles emissions due to their manufacturing ... [more]

Recovery and Utilization of Materials from electronic waste via Cryomilling to Develop Advanced Green Technologies

Recovery and Utilization of Materials from electronic waste via Cryomilling to Develop Advanced Green Technologies Krishanu Biswas#Electronic waste (e-waste) causes enormous societal and environmental impact when they enter the trash stream. It has emerged as the fastest-growing waste source in ... [more]

Recent progress in micromechanics-based approach of ductile fracture in metals

The mechanisms of nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids leading to the fracture of ductile metals have been investigated for more than 50 years and modelled with increasing degrees of complexity. Nevertheless, we are still far today from a fully predictive approach, in particular in the ... [more]

Materials science meets battery chemistry: Approaches to better batteries

In situ TEM Studies of Nanocrystal Composition, Structure, and Phase

In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) allows researchers to analyse at the nano-scale and in ‘real time’ the electrochemical processes of the electrode materials within batteries during device operation. The active interface regions of such electrodes form solid electrolyte interface (SEI) ... [more]

Metal fuels for zero-carbon heat and power

In order to address climate change, we must transition to a low-carbon economy. Many clean primary energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, are being deployed and promise an abundant supply of clean electricity in the near future. The key question becomes how to store, transport and ... [more]

In situ and Operando Force-based Atomic Force Microscopy for Probing Local Functionality in Energy Storage Materials

Electrochemical energy storage is the key enabling component of electric vehicles and solar/wind-based energy technologies. The enhancement of energy stored requires the detailed understanding of ionic transport and electrochemical and electromechanical phenomena on local scales which are not ... [more]

Understanding (effective) ionic transport in solids and solid-state batteries

The advent of solid-state batteries has spawned a recent increase in interest in lithium conducting solid electrolytes. However, many open questions remain when trying to optimize electrolytes and understand solid state battery chemistries. In this presentation, we will show how an understanding of ... [more]

Localisation of hydrogen and deuterium in metallurgical samples with NanoSIMS

The NanoSIMS is emerging as a powerful tool to study complex problems in materials science. The NanoSIMS is a high-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry instrument capable of chemical mapping at 100 nm spatial resolution, detection limits in the ppm range and is able to detect almost all ... [more]

Designing a More Homogenous Battery: Emergent Electrochemical Phenomena at the Mesoscale

Metal fuels for zero-carbon heat and power

In order to address climate change, we must transition to a low-carbon economy. Many clean primary energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, are being deployed and promise an abundant supply of clean electricity in the near future. The key question becomes how to store, transport and ... [more]

Academic career and Professorship in France

  • Date: Nov 2, 2021
  • Time: 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr Matteo Ghidelli
  • CNRS researcher, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux (LSPM) - CNRS UPR3407, France
  • Location: Virtual Lecture
  • Host: Prof. Gerhard Dehm
Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Silicon purification through metallurgical processes for PV silicon production

  • Date: Oct 29, 2021
  • Time: 08:30 AM c.t. - 10:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Prof. Jafar Safarian
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • Location: Online
  • Room: Virtual Lecture
  • Host: Dr. Yan Ma
The photovoltaic (PV) industry is in rapid growth and a large supply of PV feedstock materials must be provided to maintain this growth. Since silicon is the dominant material for the fabrication of solar cells, low-cost solar-grade silicon (SoG-Si) feedstock is demanded. The most cost-effective and ... [more]

Towards a Predictive Theory of Grain Growth: Experiments and Simulations

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Looking deep into Li-Ion Batteries: Advanced Characterization for New Technologies

Electrochemical Energy Storage, in particular Li-Ion Batteries, have become one of the most important technological cornerstones for the current energy transition. The further development and progress in existing technology will depend on both, the introduction of new active electrode materials and ... [more]

Machine Learning for the Steel Industry: Behind the Buzzword

In 2020, every major company’s annual report contained the word digitalization, A.I. or industry 4.0. It is easy to perceive these as buzzwords, aimed at investors, but the reality is more complex: companies are expected to transform now, driven by the fear of becoming obsolete. As researchers ... [more]

Tailoring layered Ni-rich oxide cathode materials for solid-state battery applications

  • Date: Oct 1, 2021
  • Time: 11:00 AM c.t. - 12:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. Torsten Brezesinski
  • Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
  • Location: online
  • Host: Prof. Dierk Raabe
Bulk-type (inorganic) solid-state batteries are a promising next-generation energy-storage technology with the prospect of improving safety and enabling higher energy densities than conventional lithium-ion batteries [1]. Especially high-capacity, layered oxide cathode materials (NCM or related) ...

The Sustainability Challenge for the Aluminum Industry, 2021

What is the role of materials in today’s global economy as we deal with pressures from a growing population and a climate emergency? Aluminum production and usage helps provide food, shelter, health, transportation, and entertainment to the world. Achieving these goals in a “sustainable” manner ... [more]

Understanding and Improving the Catalytic Activity of Transition Metal Oxide Surfaces: " Insights from DFT+U Calculations"

The development and improvement of catalysts for chemical energy conversion, such as (photo-)electrocatalytic water splitting or alcohol oxidation, requires mechanistic understanding at theatomic/molecular level. In my talk I will address several examples for the application of densityfunctional ...

Exploring the limits of metal strength

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Realizing physical discovery in imaging with machine learning

  • Date: Sep 2, 2021
  • Time: 05:00 PM c.t. - 06:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr Sergei V. Kalinin
  • The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
  • Location: Online
  • Host: Prof. Dierk Raabe
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) are rapidly becoming an indispensable part of physics research, with domain applications ranging from theory and materials prediction to high-throughput data analysis. In parallel, the recent successes in applying ML/AI methods for autonomous ... [more]

Modelling the combustion of metal powders in laminar and turbulent flames

Besides their ubiquitous use in load-bearing structures, metals also possess qualities of energetic materials. Lithium, for example, is a common fuel in batteries, while aluminum is frequently added to solid rocket propellants and used in pyrotechnics. At high temperatures, metal powders can be ...

Electrochemical Capacitance under Confinement: Implications for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion

Electrochemical Capacitance under Confinement: Implications for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion
Abstract: Many layered materials of interest for electrochemical energy storage and conversion applications are flexible hosts whose interlayers can be expanded to accommodate not just ions but also solvents, organic molecules, polymers, and organometallics. When these “hybrid” materials are placed ... [more]

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design and Computational Mechanics

Engineered systems are an indispensable part of our modern life with far-reaching applications that include aerial and ground transportation, electronics, large-scale structures, and medicine. The ever-evolving societal, environmental, and cultural awareness calls for significantly complex systems ... [more]

STZ vortex unit – the key to understand and control shear banding in metallic glasses

Transition to a Group Leader position at a German University

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Metal energy carriers: renewable fuels of the future

Metal powder has superior energy density compared to fossil fuels and hydrogen. Therefore, metal powders have gained interest as a material for energy storage. The main benefits of metal fuels are that they do not produce CO2 emissions during combustion, they have the potential to be retrofitted in ... [more]

Growth of Mg-aluminate spinel at MgO- Al2O3 contacts: experiment, nature, and some theory

In this presentation the formation of spinel (MgAl2O4) by reaction between periclase (MgO) and corundum (Al2O3) is addressed. The reaction MgO + Al2O3 => MgAl2O4 may be regarded as a model case for diffusive phase transformations in oxide systems. All phases involved are moderately to highly ... [more]

Micromechanics of large deformations

Hydrogen enhanced decohesion at grain boundaries - insights from ab-initio calculations

Pint of Science, 17th May

Pint of Science
MPIE at the “PintofScience” Düsseldorf From iron in the blade of the Sultans to materials' stressful life and kitchen tiles: Our "material detectives" Ümit Güder, Vivek Devulapalli and Bárbara Bellón Lara will introduce their research to you. 17 May 2021 6.00 pm Ümit: Following the fingerprints of ... [more]

Design and applications of length scale compatible fracture test geometries

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

ChemiTEM – an easy to use TEM for chemistry and material science

More than recycling – challenges & potentials of the Circular Economy in the case of metals

More than recycling – challenges & potentials of the Circular Economy in the case of metals
The extraction and processing of resources are directly linked to 50% of all human-induced climate impacts and 90% of biodiversity losses (Bruno Oberle et al., 2019). Promoting resource efficiency is therefore recognised worldwide as a solution approach to counteract this rapid development. The ... [more]

From Atom to System - How to Enable the Tera-scale Energy Transition

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Sustainable Metals

MEMS-based in-situ Nanomechanics of Crystalline Nanowires

Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Nanoindentation at High Strain Rates: Challenges and recent advances

  • Date: Feb 23, 2021
  • Time: 01:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. Benoit Merle
  • Materials Science & Engineering I and Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured Films IZNF, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
  • Location: Virtual Lecture
  • Host: Prof. Gerhard Dehm
Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

"Coffee with Max Planck" seminar series

Group leaders from the MPIE’s four research departments will hold weekly lunch-time seminars on their hot-topics in this seminar series. [more]

Stress induced grain boundary processes in metals and minerals : new insights from in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing

Stress induced grain boundary processes in metals and minerals : new insights from in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing
Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

What does Gender have to do with Physics?

This talk will give some examples on how you can approach the question on “what does gender have to do with Physics?”. [more]

Bioinspired multifunctional structural materials

Bioinspired multifunctional structural materials
Natural materials are multifunctional. Consider the simple shell of a gastropod: it evolved to achieve balance during locomotion, protection against predation and dehydration, storage of mineral, anchoring structure for muscles… And what is fascinating is that all this is realised using 95% of ... [more]

7th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals, CMCn 2020 and DAMASK User Meeting

7th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals, CMcn 2020
CMCn2020 The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf is organizing the 7th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals and we would like to invite you and your research colleagues to participate in this event. This symposium is part of a biannual series of ... [more]

Reliable extraction of deformation activation parameters from transient and high strain rate micromechanical tests

In-situ Nano-/Micromechanics Summer Seminar Series 2020
Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]

Evaluating electro-mechanical reliability using in-situ methods

In-situ Nano-/Micromechanics Summer Seminar Series 2020
Where: virtual on Zoom (link follows) [more]
We are happy to announce and welcome you this year to an online seminar in place for the BiGmax workshop on Big-Data-Driven Materials Science. We were enlightened by your interest in the workshop back then in April. With the global Covid19 pandemic now, the online workshop will be slightly shorter ... [more]

Sustainable Metallurgy

MPIE Seminar
Metallic materials which have enabled progress over thousands of years and are produced in huge quantities (e.g. 1.8 billion tons of steels per year), are now facing severe and in part abrupt limits set by sustainability constraints and the associated legislative measures. Accelerated demand for ... [more]
The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH (MPIE) and Bruker are pleased to announce Nanobrücken 2020: Nanomechanical Testing Conference & Bruker User Meeting, which will take place February 4–6 at MPIE located in Düsseldorf, Germany. Please save the date in your calendar and register to secure ... [more]

Non-monotonic rheology of a magnetic liquid crystal system in an external fieldNon-monotonic rheology of a magnetic liquid crystal system in an external field

MPIE Seminar
Utilizing molecular dynamics simulations, we report a non-monotonic dependence of the shear stress on the strength of an external magnetic eld (H) in a liquid-crystalline mixture of magnetic and non-magnetic anisotropic particles.This non-monotonic behavior is in sharp contrast with the well-studied ... [more]
The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH in Düsseldorf is organizing the 5th NRW-APT user meeting on November the 07th 2019 and we would like to invite you and your research colleagues to participate in this event. This meeting will bring together scientists from North Rhine-Westphalia ... [more]
The workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in applying advanced imaging and spectroscopy methods of electron microscopy, including aberration-corrected, in situ, environmental and low-voltage electron microscopy, to topical issues in materials science and engineering, in ... [more]

Pushing the boundaries of micro and nanomechanics

Pushing the boundaries of micro and nanomechanics
Current level of miniaturization in everyday devices indicates that micro and nano architectures have become functional elements in electronics and diminutive mechanical-based systems. Yet, the potential of such multiscale functional elements is not fully realized due to incomplete understanding of ... [more]

Manipulation of individual defects in 2D and layered Materials

Manipulation of individual defects in 2D and layered Materials
Defects decisively influence the properties of virtually any material. It is therefore desirable to control the occurrence and properties of defects down to the atomic scale. While many methods have been successfully developed to influence defects in an indirect way (e.g. heat treatments, ion ... [more]

Multi-scale design and analyses of advanced materials: Experimental approaches

Multi-scale design and analyses of advanced materials: Experimental approaches
When a 100-tonne steel forging die fails during industrial processing; the root causes are often localised to small length scales. Advanced materials therefore need to be designed at the characteristic material length scales; incorporating environmental considerations such as local defects or ... [more]

Close Packed Phases in Nickel-Based Superalloys - Investigation by Diffusion Multiples

Close Packed Phases in Nickel-Based Superalloys - Investigation by Diffusion Multiples
Precipitation of close-packed phases is a common problem of modern nickel-based superalloys, containing refractory or higher melting point elements such as Re, Ru, Cr, Mo and W. Thus, a fundamental understanding of phase stabilities of close-packed phases governed by these elements is of high ... [more]

Lessons learned from nano scale specimens tested by MEMS based apparatus

Lessons learned from nano scale specimens tested by MEMS based apparatus
Materials at small scale behave differently from their bulk counterparts. This deviation originates from the abundance of interfaces at small scale. Quantifying the properties and revealing the underlying mechanisms requires experiments with small samples in situ in analytical chambers. However ... [more]

Molecular dynamics simulations and beyond for plasticity and wear of metals

Molecular dynamics simulations and beyond for plasticity and wear of metals
While the general principles underlying the plastic response of metals are mostly understood—especially for the crystalline state—advanced tailoring of their properties and the development of novel, high-performance materials requires detailed insights into the mechanisms at the atomic scale. This ... [more]

Using analytical electron microscopy to study microstructural evolution and its effect on structural & functional properties

Using analytical electron microscopy to study microstructural evolution and its effect on structural & functional properties
Analytical electron microscopy is applied to study elementary processes which govern micro- and nanostructural evolution and their effect on structural and functional properties in two-phase material systems. Modern computational alloy design for application relevant blade materials operating at ... [more]

MPIE-Kolloquium: Sustainable Molten Salt Route for Electro-extraction & Electro-refining of Low-grade Ores to Yield High Purity Titanium

Sustainable Molten Salt Route for Electro-extraction & Electro-refining of Low-grade Ores to Yield High Purity Titanium
Titanium is the fourth most abundant engineering material in the Earth’s crust. Although it has many beneficial properties, the cost of extraction remains a challenge and over 90% of high grade titanium is derived from the expensive and time-consuming Kroll Process. Electro-refining methods show ... [more]

Exploring the Solar System: From the Nano to Astronomical Scale

MPIE Colloquium
Microscopy, by definition, is the science of using a microscope to observe objects that are unseen by the naked eye. However, astronomical objects such as planets, moons and comets or asteroids are easily identifiable in the night sky, yet scientists are increasingly relying on microscopic methods ... [more]

Micromechanics of bone: fundamental research and clinical applications

Micromechanics of bone: fundamental research and clinical applications
In this talk, the work within the Biomechanics Research Team at the Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials and Nanostructures of Empa on micromechanics of bone will be presented. Fundamental research on the failure mechanisms of bone on the microscale as a function of loading mode will be discussed ... [more]

Deformation mechanisms in metals under a tribological load

In 1950, Bowden and Tabor pointed out that in metallic tribological contacts the majority of the dissipated energy is spend to change the contacting materials’ microstructures. This – in part – explains why most metals show a highly dynamic subsurface microstructure under the shear load imposed by ... [more]

Joint MPIE / ER-C workshop on recent advances and frontiers of atomic scale characterization

Joint MPIE / ER-C workshop on recent advances and frontiers of atomic scale characterization

Aberration-corrected STEM and ultra-high energy resolution EELS

Aberration-corrected STEM and ultra-high energy resolution EELS
Electron microscopy has advanced very significantly in the last two decades. Electron-optical correction of aberrations, which we introduced for the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) in 1997, has allowed STEMs to reach sub-Å resolution from 2002 on. It has led to new STEM ... [more]

Making quantum transport visible in thermoelectric Bi2Te3 nanoparticles

Bi2Te3, Sb2Te3, and Bi2Se3, well established thermoelectric materials, are also three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators (TI) exhibiting a bulk bandgap and highly conductive, robust, gapless surface states. While the transport properties of 3D TIs are of utmost importance for potential ... [more]

Nanoindentation based investigations of PLC-type plastic instability

Nanoindentation based investigations of PLC-type plastic instability
Portevin Le-Chatelier (PLC) effect is a type of plastic instability that results in severe strain localization, reduction in ductility and formation of surface striations during forming operations. Understanding the underlying microscopic mechanism(s) that govern it requires detailed experimental ... [more]

The Heusler System (For Thermoelectric Application): How You Can Use the periodic table As A Lego Box To Build The States You Are Interested In

The Heusler System (For Thermoelectric Application): How You Can Use the periodic table As A Lego Box To Build The States You Are Interested In
The periodic table becomes one hundred years old just this year. The family of Heusler compounds uses nearly all the elements in the Periodic Table to allow for the design of materials with all sorts of properties. These include: hard and soft magnets, shape memory and magnetocaloric metals ... [more]

HEA symposium "High entropy and compositionally complex alloys" at DPG Spring Meeting 2019 in Regensburg

HEA symposium "High entropy and compositionally complex alloys" at DPG Spring Meeting 2019 in Regensburg

4th International Conference on Medium and High Manganese Steels

4th International Conference on Medium and High Manganese Steels

TEM Studies on Materials with a Negative Poisson’s Ratio

TEM Studies on Materials with a Negative Poisson’s Ratio
The Winter School was held on the 3rd-6th of March, 2019, in parallel with the 33rd MSIT Meeting on Heterogeneous Equilibria, in the glorious setting of Schloss Ringberg in Bavaria. A total of 52 people attending the both meetings with the Winter School having 28 participants. The format of the ... [more]

Computational Modeling of Moving Boundary Problems

MPIE Seminar
The focus of this presentation is on computational methods for moving boundary/interface problems and its applications including fracture, fluid structure interaction, inverse analysis and topology optimization. First, two computational methods for dynamic fracture will be presented, i.e. the ... [more]

Nanoscale thermodynamics at complex oxide surfaces and interfaces for application in electronics, sensing, and energy conversion

Perovskite oxides exhibit a plethora of fascinating electronic material properties covering an exceptionally wide range of phenomena in solid state and surface physics. This has led to tremendous efforts to functionalize these materials in applications for energy technology, gas sensing, and ... [more]

Opportunities for bcc refractory-metal superalloys

Reinforcement with ordered intermetallic precipitates is a potent strategy for the development of strength alongside damage tolerance and is central to the success of fcc nickel-based superalloys. Such a strategy is equally of interest within bcc-based systems for their increased melting point and ... [more]

Phase Transitions in Non-Equilibrium Metallic Systems

Seminar Talk
Nearly all classes of materials show non-equilibrium phase transitions and the first technological use of quenching metals for designing properties is documented as ~800 BC. However, the decomposition towards equilibrium is still difficult to understand due to the strong non-equilibrium kinetics ... [more]

Dislocation-based Functionality in Oxides

MPIE Colloquium
Dislocations in oxides are typically heavily charged and are surrounded by compensating electric charges. As such they are kinetically more stable than chemical dopants. Adepalli et al. termed dislocations a means for “one-dimensional doping” [1]. As they are often introduced by mechanical methods ... [more]

Recent Advances in Heat-resistant Structural Material Development with Laves Phases at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

MPIE Colloquium
This presentation provides an overview of recent developmental efforts at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) on heat-resistant ferrous materials with Laves-phase strengthening for fossil-fired energy conversion systems. Laves phases are attractive as second-phase strengtheners in Fe-base alloys ... [more]
Laves phases constitute the largest class of intermetallic phases. Within the inter-institutional research initiative “The Nature of Laves Phases” of the Max Planck Society (2006-2011) fundamental aspects of Laves phases have been investigated. Since then, advances in high resolution analytical ... [more]

3D Nano-Architected Metamaterials

MPIE Colloquium
Advances in 3D additive manufacturing techniques have enabled the fabrication of nanostructures with remarkable mechanical properties. Using the latest 3D printing techniques, novel material structures with specific architectures, often referred to as metamaterials, can be produced. They can ... [more]

Molecular dynamics on the diffusive time scale

Molecular dynamics on the diffusive time scale
We formulate a theory of non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics for ensembles of atoms or molecules. The theory is an application of Jayne's maximum entropy principle, which allows the statistical treatment of systems away from equilibrium. In particular, neither temperature nor atomic fractions ... [more]

Hydrogen storage in single metal nanocrystals

MPIE Colloquium
In the European atom probe tomography workshop we aim to foster the exchange of new ideas in atom probe tomography and field ion microscopy community, especially those aspects not regularly covered in scientific publications. We therefore put special emphasis on peer-to-peer discussions around ... [more]

Opening Symposium for Advanced S/TEM and APT Facilities

Opening Symposium for Advanced S/TEM and APT Facilities
The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH (MPIE) is happy to announce the opening symposium for advanced S/TEM and APT facilities, scheduled on 5th - 6th November 2018. We are pleased to celebrate this inauguration by a stimulating scientific colloquium with renowned experts and friends from ... [more]

MPIE Workshop: Mechanisms of White Etching Matter Formation

MPIE Workshop: Mechanisms of White Etching Matter Formation
The Max-Planck-Insititut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf cordially invites academic and industrial researchers to the workshop on WEM formation, taking place on October 23nd 2018. This workshop will focus on the fundamental materials scientific processes behind this phenomenon. For this we have ... [more]
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