Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Sandlöbes has received the "Friedrich-Wilhelm Preis" of the “Friedrich-Wilhelm-Stiftung” at the RWTH Aachen for her PHD-Thesis "Untersuchungen zum Einsatz berührungsloser in-situ Messmethoden für die Analyse metallurgischer Gase" November 2010 |
MSci F. Ram has received the 1st poster prize of the “Nucleation, Microstructure Evolution and Phase Transition” Symposium. MSE 2010, Darmstadt, Germany, 24-26 August 2010 |
Dr. C. Herrera has received the Best Poster Prize at the 4th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, Sheffield, UK, 4-9 July 2010 |
Dipl.-Ing. C. Kords has received the "Springorum-Denkmünze of the RWTH Aachen" University of Aachen, 18th of June 2010 |
Dr.-Ing. S. Sandlöbes has received the "11th Willy-Korf-Award for Young Excellence" at the Steel Success Strategies XXV, New York, USA. 2010 |
Dr. Chengwu Zheng joins our department as a guest scientist from Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences for two years. March 2010 |
Hisashi Sato, Dr. S. Zaefferer and Yoshimi Watanabe have received the 2010 Sawamura Award for their publication "In-situ observation of butterfly-type martensite in Fe-30mass%Ni alloy during tensile test using high-resolution EBSD" , ISIJ International, Vol. 49 (2009), No.11, pp. 1784-1791, 2010 |