Humboldtian Dr. Ross Marceau, scientist of the University of Sydney, comes to our department for two years. He is a highly qualified scientist working on light metal alloys and the development of new steels. July 2011 |
F. Roters has sucessfully completed his habilitation at the RWTH Aachen, faculty 5: Georessourcen und Materialtechnik with the lecture : "Werkstoffe für den Computer von Morgen". The habilitation dissertation is entitled: "Advanced Material Models for the Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method - Development of a general CPFEM framework". The right to teach (venia legendi) was granted for “Computational Material Science”. June 2011 |
Dr.-Ing. S. Sandlöbes has been awarded the Borchers-Plakette of the Rheinisch-Westfälisch Technischen Hochschule Aachen for her summa cum laude PHD-Exam "Untersuchungen zum Einsatz berührungsloser in-situ Messmethoden metallurgischer Gase". 16th of June 2011 |
Prof. Dr. D. Raabe was awarded the DGM Preis from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde as excellent researcher for outstanding scientific or scientific-technical achievements in materials science and materials engineering. 15 th of June 2011 |
P. Choi has received the Golden Poster Award for the poster “Nanoscale characterization of TiAlN/CrN multilayer hardcoatings” at the 5th International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies meeting, May 22-27, 2011, Seoul, Korea. |
N.-N. Elhami and S. Zaefferer have won the 1st Poster Prize of the Royal Microscopical Society at the RMS-EBSD 2011 conference for the poster "Interpretation and application of cECCI Images for defect analysis in TWIP steels". March 2011 |
Viviane Becker has achieved the First Place in the Programming Competition 2010/2011 of the Mathe-dual e.V. . March 2011 |