Characterization of the micromechanical behavior of advanced high-strength bainitic steels

Publications of Ghoncheh Kasiri

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Lim, J.; Kasiri, G.; Sahu, R.; Schweinar, K.; Hengge, K. A.; Raabe, D.; La Mantia, F.; Scheu, C.: Irreversible Structural Changes of Copper Hexacyanoferrate used as Cathode in Zn‐Ion Batteries. Chemistry – A European Journal 26 (22), pp. 4917 - 4922 (2020)

Poster (1)

Lim, J.; Sahu, R.; Schweinar, K.; Kasiri, G.; Hengge, K. A.; Raabe, D.; La Mantia, F.: Phase Transformation of Copper Hexacyanoferrate Cathode in Aqueous Zn-Ion Battery. 2019 MRS Fall Meeting , Boston, MA, USA (2019)

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