© G. Geelen, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH


The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH (MPIE) and Bruker are pleased to announce Nanobrücken 2020: Nanomechanical Testing Conference & Bruker User Meeting, which will take place February 4–6 at MPIE located in Düsseldorf, Germany. Please save the date in your calendar and register to secure your seat at Nanobrücken 2020. [more]
The workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in applying advanced imaging and spectroscopy methods of electron microscopy, including aberration-corrected, in situ, environmental and low-voltage electron microscopy, to topical issues in materials science and engineering, in nanoscience, in soft matter research, in interface and surface science, and in biomaterials research. As these methods are of fundamental importance in virtually all technological fields, contributions are invited that address the broad spectrum of current materials research. Novel methodological developments will be discussed as well as topical areas of research on thin films, bulk materials, surfaces, materials at the nanoscale and at the interface between the physical and life sciences, for understanding structure‐property relationships of materials, as well as for metrology. Selected topics will be introduced by invited keynote speakers during the plenary sessions. A poster session provides room for the presentation and discussion of current research. [more]

HEA symposium "High entropy and compositionally complex alloys" at DPG Spring Meeting 2019 in Regensburg

HEA symposium "High entropy and compositionally complex alloys" at DPG Spring Meeting 2019 in Regensburg
The Winter School was held on the 3rd-6th of March, 2019, in parallel with the 33rd MSIT Meeting on Heterogeneous Equilibria, in the glorious setting of Schloss Ringberg in Bavaria. A total of 52 people attending the both meetings with the Winter School having 28 participants. The format of the Winter School, which combined theory and practice of the evaluation of phase equilibria and thermodynamics, leading to the thermodynamic modelling of a real binary system has proved to be extremely popular. Starting with the basic theory of thermodynamics, phase diagrams and crystallography, students then learned how measurements were made and how these are then used, after critical evaluation, in thermodynamic modelling.The Winter School lasted for three full days but most of the students stayed for the whole week to join in the evaluation work, which has been the staple of the MSIT for over 33 years. [more]
Laves phases constitute the largest class of intermetallic phases. Within the inter-institutional research initiative “The Nature of Laves Phases” of the Max Planck Society (2006-2011) fundamental aspects of Laves phases have been investigated. Since then, advances in high resolution analytical methods and modelling gave new insight. Simultaneously interest in development and application of alloys strengthened by Laves phases has considerably increased. The workshop is devoted to summarise our current understanding of Laves phases and to identify topics for future research.The workshop is jointly organised by Forschungszentrum Jülich, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe (Dresden), Tokyo Institute of Technology and Max-Planck Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH. [more]

Opening Symposium for Advanced S/TEM and APT Facilities

Opening Symposium for Advanced S/TEM and APT Facilities
The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH (MPIE) is happy to announce the opening symposium for advanced S/TEM and APT facilities, scheduled on 5th - 6th November 2018. We are pleased to celebrate this inauguration by a stimulating scientific colloquium with renowned experts and friends from all over the world. Topics of the symposium will include:• Development of advanced APT and (S)TEM techniques• New horizons in correlative (S)TEM and APT• Application to catalysis and energy materials• Interface science. We look forward to greeting you in Düsseldorf! [more]

Symposium "Experiments and Simulations Towards Understanding Tribology Across Length-Scales" at the MSE (Materials Science Engineering)

Symposium "Experiments and Simulations Towards Understanding Tribology Across Length-Scales" at the MSE (Materials Science Engineering)

Gordon Research Conference “Thin Film and Small Scale Mechanical Behavior”

Gordon Research Conference “Thin Film and Small Scale Mechanical Behavior”

Mini‐symposium “Experimental Micromechanics and Nanomechanics” at the “10th edition of the European Solids Mechanics Conference”

Mini‐symposium “Experimental Micromechanics and Nanomechanics” at the “10th edition of the European Solids Mechanics Conference”

Symposium “Mechanical Properties and Adhesion 45th ICMCTF (International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films)

Symposium “Mechanical Properties and Adhesion 45th ICMCTF (International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films)

Topic day “Novel materials and alloy design - microstructure property relationship” at the Metallkundekolloquium/Arlbergkolloquium

Topic day “Novel materials and alloy design - microstructure property relationship” at the Metallkundekolloquium/Arlbergkolloquium

“Experimental Nanomechanics” at the “16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference”

“Experimental Nanomechanics” at the “16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference”

Topical session “Mechanical Properties at Small Scales” at the DPG-Spring Meeting 2018

Topical session “Mechanical Properties at Small Scales” at the DPG-Spring Meeting 2018

Topic day “Dislocation based plasticity – experiment vs. simulation” at “The Schöntal Symposium Dislocation-based Plasticity” of the DFG Forschergruppe FOR 1650

Topic day “Dislocation based plasticity – experiment vs. simulation” at “The Schöntal Symposium Dislocation-based Plasticity” of the DFG Forschergruppe FOR 1650

"Fundamentals of mechanical response" at the Conference on Electronic and Advanced Materials

Fundamentals of mechanical response

International conference “Intermetallics 2017”

International conference “Intermetallics 2017”

Summer School on Experimental Nano- and Micromechanics

Summer School on Experimental Nano- and Micromechanics
The size dependent mechanical response of materials has attracted strong attention during the past decade. While past research focused mainly on single crystalline behavior, today´s investigations target the mechanical response and underlying deformation mechanisms of heterogeneous microstructures. The summer school is aimed at providing a comprehensive overview on experimental nano- and micromechanical testing methods. Focus thereby is put on material properties which can be reliably extracted from in situ micromechanical experiments. - Which properties can we experimentally explore? - Where are the limits and pitfalls of our methods? - Where do we need support of simulation techniques? - What are future challenges in the field? The school will deal with nanoindentation as well as methods to explore the plastic and fracture properties of materials and interfaces, frequently used characterization techniques with in situ capabilities and, finally, simulation techniques. [more]

Symposium “Environmental, in-situ and time-resolved microscopy” at MC 2017 (Microscopy Conference 2017)

Symposium “Environmental, in-situ and time-resolved microscopy” at MC 2017 (Microscopy Conference 2017)

Symposium “Mechanical Properties and Adhesion 44th ICMCTF (International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films)

Symposium “Mechanical Properties and Adhesion 44th ICMCTF (International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films)

Topic day “Lokale Charakterisierungsmethoden in der Werkstoffforschung” at the Metallkundekolloquium/Arlbergkolloquium

Topic day “Lokale Charakterisierungsmethoden in der Werkstoffforschung” at the Metallkundekolloquium/Arlbergkolloquium

Hydrogen Interaction in Metals

Hydrogen interaction in metals
The workshop is part of our series of one-day workshops "Frontiers in Material Science & Engineering", where we bring together leading experts from academia and industry in a workshop format that allows in-depth discussions of fundamental and applied research in this area. Places are limited to 50 participants. The workshop participation is free-of-charge and is sponsored by the MPIE. [more]

Workshop "Frontiers in Material Science & Engineering: Hydrogen Interaction in Metals"

Workshop "Frontiers in Material Science & Engineering: Hydrogen Interaction in Metals"

Symposium "Tribology across length-scales: Experiments and simulations" at the MSE (Materials Science Engineering)

Symposium "Tribology across length-scales: Experiments and simulations" at the MSE (Materials Science Engineering)

Symposium ”In-situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-Rays and Scanning Probes in Materials Science“

Symposium ”In-situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-Rays and Scanning Probes in Materials Science“
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