Nano-/microscale deformation of functional oxides

Publications of David Rugg

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Dear, F. F.; Kontis, P.; Gault, B.; Ilavsky, J.; Rugg, D.; Dye, D.: Mechanisms of Ti3Al precipitation in hcp α-Ti. Acta Materialia 212, 116811 (2021)
Journal Article
Ackerman, A.; Vorontsov, V. A.; Bantounas, I.; Zheng, Y.; Chang, Y.; McAuliffe, T.; Clark, W. A.; Fraser, H. L.; Gault, B.; Rugg, D. et al.; Dye, D.: Interface characteristics in an α+β titanium alloy. Physical Review Materials 4 (1), 013602 (2020)
Journal Article
Dear, F. F.; Kontis, P.; Gault, B.; Ilavsky, J.; Gardner, H.; Bagot, P. A. J.; Moody, M. P.; Rugg, D.; Dye, D.: Combined APT, TEM and SAXS Characterisation of Nanometre-Scale Precipitates in Titanium Alloys. Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (S2), pp. 2516 - 2517 (2019)
Journal Article
Chang, Y.; Breen, A. J.; Tarzimoghadam, Z.; Kürnsteiner, P.; Gardner, H.; Ackerman, A.; Radecka, A.; Bagot, P. A. J.; Lu, W.; Li, T. et al.; Jägle, E. A.; Herbig, M.; Stephenson, L.; Moody, M. P.; Rugg, D.; Dye, D.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.: Characterizing solute hydrogen and hydrides in pure and alloyed titanium at the atomic scale. Acta Materialia 150, pp. 273 - 280 (2018)

Talk (1)

Dear, F. F.; Kontis, P.; Ilavsky, J.; Bernier, J.; Rugg, D.: Oxygen, α2, Macrozones and Dwell Fatigue Initiation in α-Ti. TMS 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, USA (2020)

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