Coupling of SFC to downstream analytics (ICP-MS / UV-Vis)

Publications of Lekshmi Sreekala

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Kiranbabu, S.; Qin, Y.; Sreekala, L.; Das, S. M.; Pippan, R.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: Decomposition-resistant carbonitride precipitates in X30CrMoN15-1 high-nitrogen bearing steel deformed by high-pressure torsion. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 863, 144529 (2023)
Journal Article
Šestan, A.; Sreekala, L.; Markelj, S.; Kelemen, M.; Zavašnik, J.; Liebscher, C.; Dehm, G.; Hickel, T.; Čeh, M. S.; Novak, S. et al.; Jenuš, P.: Non-uniform He bubble formation in W/W2C composite: Experimental and ab-initio study. Acta Materialia 226, 117608 (2022)
Journal Article
Srikakulapu, K.; Tung, P.-Y.; Sreekala, L.; Prithiv, T. S.; Hickel, T.; Pippan, R.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: Cementite decomposition in 100Cr6 bearing steel during high-pressure torsion: Influence of precipitate composition, size, morphology and matrix hardness. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 833, 142372 (2022)
Journal Article
Sreekala, L.; Dey, P.; Hickel, T.; Neugebauer, J.: Unveiling nonmonotonic chemical trends in the solubility of H in complex Fe–Cr–Mn carbides by means of ab initio based approaches. Physical Review Materials 6 (1), 014403 (2022)

Talk (5)

Freysoldt, C.; Saxena, A.; Wang, N.; Sreekala, L.; Saikia, U.: Perspectives for machine learning applied to data-rich experiments on complex materials. Kolloquium Transregio 270 at Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany (2024)
Freysoldt, C.; Saxena, A.; Wang, N.; Sreekala, L.: Perspectives for machine learning applied to data-rich experiments on complex materials. Materials Chain International Conference, Bochum, Germany (2023)
Freysoldt, C.; Wang, N.; Sreekala, L.; Bukka, S. R.; Goyal, P. K.; Liebscher, C.; Saxena, A.; Gault, B.: Pattern discovery and quantification in experimental data from scanning transmission electron tomography (STEM) and atom probe tomography (APT). Big Max Summer School, Cap Roig, Spain (2023)
Srikakulapu, K.; Qin, Y.; Sreekala, L.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: On the decomposition resistance of carbonitride precipitates during high-pressure torsion in X30CrMoN15-1 bearing steel. High Nitrogen Steel conference, HNS 2021, online, Shanghai, China (2021)
Hickel, T.; Janßen, J.; Sözen, H. I.; Sreekala, L.; Körmann, F.; Surendralal, S.; Todorova, M.; Neugebauer, J.: High-throughput optimization of finite temperature phase stabilities: Concepts and application. ICAMS Advanced Discussions, virtual, Bochum, Germany (2021)

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