Segregation effects of interstitial and substitutional elements at grain boundaries in ferritic iron and their effect on liquid metal embrittlement

Publications of Lekshmi Sreekala

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Kiranbabu, S.; Qin, Y.; Sreekala, L.; Das, S. M.; Pippan, R.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: Decomposition-resistant carbonitride precipitates in X30CrMoN15-1 high-nitrogen bearing steel deformed by high-pressure torsion. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 863, 144529 (2023)
Journal Article
Šestan, A.; Sreekala, L.; Markelj, S.; Kelemen, M.; Zavašnik, J.; Liebscher, C.; Dehm, G.; Hickel, T.; Čeh, M. S.; Novak, S. et al.; Jenuš, P.: Non-uniform He bubble formation in W/W2C composite: Experimental and ab-initio study. Acta Materialia 226, 117608 (2022)
Journal Article
Srikakulapu, K.; Tung, P.-Y.; Sreekala, L.; Prithiv, T. S.; Hickel, T.; Pippan, R.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: Cementite decomposition in 100Cr6 bearing steel during high-pressure torsion: Influence of precipitate composition, size, morphology and matrix hardness. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 833, 142372 (2022)
Journal Article
Sreekala, L.; Dey, P.; Hickel, T.; Neugebauer, J.: Unveiling nonmonotonic chemical trends in the solubility of H in complex Fe–Cr–Mn carbides by means of ab initio based approaches. Physical Review Materials 6 (1), 014403 (2022)

Talk (4)

Freysoldt, C.; Saxena, A.; Wang, N.; Sreekala, L.: Perspectives for machine learning applied to data-rich experiments on complex materials. Materials Chain International Conference, Bochum, Germany (2023)
Freysoldt, C.; Wang, N.; Sreekala, L.; Bukka, S. R.; Goyal, P. K.; Liebscher, C.; Saxena, A.; Gault, B.: Pattern discovery and quantification in experimental data from scanning transmission electron tomography (STEM) and atom probe tomography (APT). Big Max Summer School, Cap Roig, Spain (2023)
Srikakulapu, K.; Qin, Y.; Sreekala, L.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: On the decomposition resistance of carbonitride precipitates during high-pressure torsion in X30CrMoN15-1 bearing steel. High Nitrogen Steel conference, HNS 2021, online, Shanghai, China (2021)
Hickel, T.; Janßen, J.; Sözen, H. I.; Sreekala, L.; Körmann, F.; Surendralal, S.; Todorova, M.; Neugebauer, J.: High-throughput optimization of finite temperature phase stabilities: Concepts and application. ICAMS Advanced Discussions, virtual, Bochum, Germany (2021)

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