Segregation effects of interstitial and substitutional elements at grain boundaries in ferritic iron and their effect on liquid metal embrittlement

Publications of Michael Auinger

Journal Article (18)

Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Praig, V. G.; Linder, B.; Danninger, H.: Grain boundary oxidation in iron-based alloys, investigated by 18O enriched water vapour - The effect of mixed oxides in binary and ternary Fe–{Al, Cr, Mn, Si} systems. Corrosion Science 96, pp. 133 - 143 (2015)
Journal Article
Laska, C. A.; Auinger, M.; Biedermann, P. U.; Iqbal, D.; Laska, N.; De Strycker, J.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Effect of hydrogen carbonate and chloride on zinc corrosion investigated by a scanning flow cell system. Electrochimica Acta 159, pp. 198 - 209 (2015)
Journal Article
Bott, J. H.; Yin, H.; Sridhar, S.; Auinger, M.: Theoretical and experimental analysis of selective oxide and nitride formation in Fe–Al alloys. Corrosion Science 91, pp. 37 - 45 (2015)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Müller-Lorenz, E. M.; Rohwerder, M.: Modelling and experiment of selective oxidation and nitridation of binary model alloys at 700 degrees C - The systems Fe, 1 wt.%{Al, Cr, Mn, Si}. Corrosion Science 90, pp. 503 - 510 (2015)
Journal Article
Kulyk, N.; Cherevko, S.; Auinger, M.; Laska, C. A.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Numerical Simulation of an Electrochemical Flow Cell with V-Shape Channel Geometry. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162 (12), pp. H860 - H866 (2015)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.: Hydrogen transport in non-ideal crystalline materials. ChemPhysChem 15 (14), pp. 2893 - 2902 (2014)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Vogel, A.; Vogel, D.; Rohwerder, M.: Early stages of oxidation observed by in situ thermogravimetry in low pressure atmospheres. Corrosion Science 86, pp. 183 - 188 (2014)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Ebbinghaus, P.; Blümich, A.; Erbe, A.: Effect of surface roughness on optical heating of metals. Journal of the European Optical Society Rapid Publications 9, pp. 14004-1 - 14004-13 (2014)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Vogel, A.; Praig, V. G.; Danninger, H.; Rohwerder, M.: Thermogravimetry and insitu mass spectrometry at high temperatures compared to theoretical modelling - The weight loss during selective decarburisation at 800 °C. Corrosion Science 78, pp. 188 - 192 (2014)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Vogel, D.; Vogel, A.; Spiegel, M.; Rohwerder, M.: A novel laboratory set-up for investigating surface and interface reactions during short term annealing cycles at high temperatures. Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 085108 (2013)
Journal Article
Topalov, A. A.; Katsounaros, I.; Auinger, M.; Cherevko, S.; Meier, J. C.; Klemm, S. O.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Dissolution of Platinum: Limits for the Deployment of Electrochemical Energy Conversion? Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 51 (50), pp. 12613 - 12615 (2012)
Journal Article
Topalov, A. A.; Katsounaros, I.; Auinger, M.; Cherevko, S.; Meier, J. C.; Klemm, S. O.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Die Auflösung von Platin – Grenzen für den Einsatz zur elektrochemischen Energieumwandlung? Angewandte Chemie 124 (50), pp. 12782 - 12785 (2012)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Naraparaju, R.; Christ, H. J.; Rohwerder, M.: Modelling high temperature oxidation in iron-chromium systems: Combined kinetic and thermodynamic calculation of the long-term behaviour and experimental verification. Oxidation of Metals 76 (3-4), pp. 247 - 258 (2011)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Katsounaros, I.; Meier, J. C.; Klemm, S. O.; Biedermann, P. U.; Topalov, A. A.; Rohwerder, M.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Near-surface ion distribution and buffer effects during electrochemical reactions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (36), pp. 16384 - 16394 (2011)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Rohwerder, M.: Coupling Diffusion and Thermodynamics - Exemplified for the gas nitriding of ironchromium alloys. HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 66 (2), pp. 100 - 102 (2011)
Journal Article
Auinger, M.; Borodin, S.; Swaminathan, S.; Rohwerder, M.: Thermodynamic Stability and Reaction Sequence for High Temperature Oxidation Processes in Steels. Materials Science Forum 696, pp. 76 - 81 (2011)
Journal Article
Katsounaros, I.; Meier, J. C.; Klemm, S. O.; Topalov, A. A.; Biedermann, P. U.; Auinger, M.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: The effective surface pH during reactions at the solid–liquid interface. Electrochemistry Communications 13 (6), pp. 634 - 637 (2011)
Journal Article
Khan, T. R.; Erbe, A.; Auinger, M.; Marlow, F.; Rohwerder, M.: Electrodeposition of zinc-silica composite coatings: Challenges in incorporating functionalized silica particles into a zinc matrix. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 12 (5), 055005 (2011)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Auinger, M.; Rohwerder, M.: Reaction and Diffusion Phenomena in Technical Steel Samples. COMSOL Conference 2009, Milan, Italy.

Talk (20)

Merzlikin, S. V.; Vogel, A.; Auinger, M.; Vogel, D.; Rohwerder, M.: Suppressing the selective oxidation during the recrystallization annealing of steel band for improved hot dip galvanizing: Laboratory study. ISHOC2014 - International Symposium on High-temperature Oxidation and Corrosion 2014, Hakodate, Hokkaido Japan (2014)

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