Cryogenic deformation behavior of an interstitial TRIP high-entropy alloy

Publications of Erdmann Spiecker

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Krauß, S.; Seynstahl, A.; Tremmel, S.; Meyer, B.; Bitzek, E.; Göken, M.; Yokosawa, T.; Zubiri, B. A.; Spiecker, E.; Merle, B.: Structural reorientation and compaction of porous MoS2 coatings during wear testing. WEAR 500-501, 204339 (2022)
Journal Article
Makineni, S. K.; Lenz, M.; Neumeier, S.; Spiecker, E.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.: Elemental segregation to antiphase boundaries in a crept CoNi-based single crystal superalloy. Scripta Materialia 157, pp. 62 - 66 (2018)
Journal Article
Makineni, S. K.; Lenz, M.; Kontis, P.; Li, Z.; Kumar, A.; Felfer, P. J.; Neumeier, S.; Herbig, M.; Spiecker, E.; Raabe, D. et al.; Gault, B.: Correlative Microscopy—Novel Methods and Their Applications to Explore 3D Chemistry and Structure of Nanoscale Lattice Defects: A Case Study in Superalloys. JOM-Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society 70 (9), pp. 1736 - 1743 (2018)
Journal Article
Volz, N.; Zenk, C. H.; Cherukuri, R.; Kalfhaus, T.; Weiser, M.; Makineni, S. K.; Betzing, C.; Lenz, M.; Gault, B.; Fries, S. G. et al.; Schreuer, J.; Vaβen, R.; Virtanen, S.; Raabe, D.; Spiecker, E.; Neumeier, S.; Göken, M.: Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Single Crystalline Co-base Superalloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49 (9), pp. 4099 - 4109 (2018)
Journal Article
Makineni, S. K.; Kumar, A.; Lenz, M.; Kontis, P.; Meiners, T.; Zenk, C. H.; Zaefferer, S.; Eggeler, G. F.; Neumeier, S.; Spiecker, E. et al.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.: On the diffusive phase transformation mechanism assisted by extended dislocations during creep of a single crystal CoNi-based superalloy. Acta Materialia 155, pp. 362 - 371 (2018)
Journal Article
Kolb, M.; Freund, L. P.; Fischer, F.; Povstugar, I.; Makineni, S. K.; Gault, B.; Raabe, D.; Müller, J.; Spiecker, E.; Neumeier, S. et al.; Göken, M.: On the grain boundary strengthening effect of boron in γ/γ′ Cobalt-base superalloys. Acta Materialia 145, pp. 247 - 254 (2018)
Journal Article
Matuszewski, K.; Rettig, R.; Matysiak, H.; Peng, Z.; Povstugar, I.; Choi, P.-P.; Müller, J. G.; Raabe, D.; Spiecker, E.; Kurzydłowski, K. J. et al.; Singer, R. F.: Effect of ruthenium on the precipitation of topologically close packed phases in Ni-based superalloys of 3rd and 4th generation. Acta Materialia 95, pp. 274 - 283 (2015)
Journal Article
Prakash, A.; Guénolé, J.; Wang, J.; Müller, J. G.; Spiecker, E.; Mills, M. J.; Povstugar, I.; Choi, P.-P.; Raabe, D.; Bitzek, E.: Atom probe informed simulations of dislocation–precipitate interactions reveal the importance of local interface curvature. Acta Materialia 92, pp. 33 - 45 (2015)
Journal Article
Parsa, A. B.; Wollgramm, P.; Buck, H.; Somsen, C.; Kostka, A.; Povstugar, I.; Choi, P.-P.; Raabe, D.; Dlouhý, A.; Müller, J. G. et al.; Spiecker, E.; Demtroder, K.; Schreuer, J.; Neuking, K.; Eggeler, G. F.: Advanced scale bridging microstructure analysis of single crystal Ni-base superalloys. Advanced Engineering Materials 17 (2), pp. 216 - 230 (2015)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Lenz, M.; Wu, M.; He, J.; Makineni, S. K.; Gault, B.; Raabe, D.; Neumeier, S.; Spiecker, E.: Atomic Structure and Chemical Composition of Planar Fault Structures in Co-Base Superalloys. 14th International Symposium on Superalloys, Superalloys 2021, Seven Springs, PA, USA, September 12, 2021 - September 16, 2021. Minerals, Metals and Materials Series, pp. 920 - 928 (2020)

Talk (3)

Saksena, A.; Gault, B.; Kontis, P.; Kubacka, D.; Spiecker, E.: Gamma channel width dependent compositional evolution in multi-component superalloys. Eurosuperalloys 2022, Bamberg, Germany (2022)
Gault, B.; Makineni, S. K.; He, J.; Lenz, M.; Neumeier, S.; Spiecker, E.; Raabe, D.: Solute segregation effect at planar defects during creep of CoNi- & Co-based superalloys. TMS 2019 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Antonio, TX, USA (2019)
Raabe, D.; Ponge, D.; Kwiatkowski da Silva, A.; Herbig, M.; Makineni, S. K.; Wu, X.; Katnagallu, S.; Stephenson, L.; Zhao, H.; Koyama, M. et al.; Kontis, P.; Scheu, C.; Liebscher, C.; Eggeler, G. F.; Spiecker, E.; Gault, B.: Advancing Alloys by Segregation Engineering. 18th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA18), Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA (2018)

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