Research Projects

Research Projects

Hydrogen Embrittlement Protection Coatings
The project Hydrogen Embrittlement Protection Coating (HEPCO) addresses the critical aspects of hydrogen permeation and embrittlement by developing novel strategies for coating and characterizing hydrogen permeation barrier layers for valves and pumps used for hydrogen storage and transport applications. more
Fracture at interfaces
Our focus lies on investigating the fracture of materials down to individual microstructural length-scales, with special attention on grain/phase boundaries or material interfaces, while considering the role of crystallography, chemistry and non-ambient conditions such as high temperatures and cryogenic conditions on fracture. more
Interfaces in energy materials
The full potential of energy materials can only be exploited if the interplay between mechanics and chemistry at the interfaces is well known. This leads to more sustainable and efficient energy solutions. more
Nano- and microscale plasticity
The key to the design and construction of advanced materials with tailored mechanical properties is nano- and micro-scale plasticity. Significant influence also exists in shaping the mechanical behavior of materials on small length scales. more
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