Combinatorial development of Invar alloys via rapid alloy prototyping
In this project, we work on the use of a combinatorial experimental approach to design advanced multicomponent multi-functional alloys with rapid alloy prototyping. We use rapid alloy prototyping to investigate five multicomponent Invar alloys with 5 at.% addition of Al, Cr, Cu, Mn and Si to a super Invar alloy (Fe63Ni32Co5; at.%), respectively. All the new alloys show a typical Invar effect with low TEC around room temperature.
The original Invar alloy Fe65Ni35 (at.%), which shows an extremely low thermal expansion coefficient (TEC; ~1.6×10-6 K-1) around room temperature, was first discovered by Guillaume around 1890 [1]. Since then, it has been widely used in various fields ranging from standardization of the metric system to liquefied natural gas (LNG) containers and long-distance power cables [2]. To develop novel Invar alloys in the practically infinite compositional space of multicomponent alloys, rapid alloy prototyping is used to investigate five multicomponent Invar alloys with 5 at.% addition of Al, Cr, Cu, Mn and Si to a super Invar alloy (Fe63Ni32Co5; at.%), respectively. All alloys show abnormally low thermal expansion coefficients below the Curie temperature and saturation magnetization deviating from the Slater-Pauling curve, revealing their Invar-behavior. The relationships among valence electron concentration, magnetic properties, and Invar behavior of the various multicomponent alloys are discussed. The Invar alloy with Cu addition is particularly promising, as it shows a 40 K larger temperature range (above room temperature) of low thermal expansion coefficient (<5.87×10-6 K) and slightly higher hardness compared to the conventional super Invar alloy. The work thus also successfully demonstrates the capability of using rapid alloy prototyping for developing multicomponent multi-functional alloys.
![Fig: Thermal expansion behavior of the reference super Invar alloy Fe63Ni32Co5 and the newly developed alloys with the addition of Al, Cr, Cu, Mn and Si, respectively. (a) Change in length (dL/L0) as a function of temperature. L refers to sample length, and L0 is the initial sample length at room temperature. The spontaneous volume magnetostriction ωs of different alloys is marked with the corresponding colors. (b) Thermal expansion coefficient α as a function of temperature. The new alloy with the addition of Cu has a larger temperature range (40 K) of low-TEC (<5.87×10-6 K) than the reference Fe63Ni32Co5.](/4729552/original-1645446989.jpg?t=eyJ3aWR0aCI6MjQ2LCJvYmpfaWQiOjQ3Mjk1NTJ9--624ac11cf9653ad9d70354ed11c46e385da80b6c)