High temperature fracture toughness of interfaces of material systems

Publications of Ian Baker

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Ye, Y.; Lish, S. D.; Xu, L.; Chen, S.; Ren, Y.; Saksena, A.; Gault, B.; Wittmann, M. W.; Xu, H.; Baker, I.: Fe30Co40Mn15Al15: A Novel Single-Phase B2 Multi-Principal Component Alloy Soft Magnet. High Entropy Alloys & Materials (2022)
Journal Article
Ye, Y.; Lish, S. D.; Xu, L.; Woods, E.; Chen, S.; Ren, Y.; Wittmann, M. W.; Xu, H.; Gault, B.; Baker, I.: Exceptional Soft Magnetic Properties of an Ordered Multi-principal Element Alloy with Disordered Nanoprecipitates. High Entropy Alloys & Materials (2022)
Journal Article
Wu, M.; Li, Z.; Gault, B.; Munroe, P.; Baker, I.: The Effects of Carbon on the Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties of Heat-Treated FeNiMnCrAl High Entropy Alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 748, pp. 59 - 73 (2019)
Journal Article
Baker, I.; Wu, M.; Wang, Z.: Eutectic/eutectoid multi-principle component alloys: A review. Materials Characterization 147, pp. 545 - 557 (2019)
Journal Article
Baker, I.; Afonina, N.; Wang, Z.; Wu, M.: Preliminary creep testing of the alumina-forming austenitic stainless steel Fe-20Cr-30Ni-2Nb-5Al. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 718, pp. 492 - 498 (2018)

Talk (1)

Wu, M.; Baker, I.; Li, Z.: Thermo-mechanical Processing of Carbon-doped FeNiMnAlCr High Entropy Alloys. Materials Science & Technology 2018, Columbus, OH, USA (2018)
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