Microscopic understanding of the formation, properties and stability of emerging functional nanomaterials

Publications of Bonnie B. Lindahl

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Bigdeli, S.; Zhu, L.-F.; Glensk, A.; Grabowski, B.; Lindahl, B. B.; Hickel, T.; Selleby, M.: An insight into using DFT data for Calphad modeling of solid phases in the third generation of Calphad databases, a case study for Al. Calphad 65, pp. 79 - 85 (2019)
Journal Article
Palumbo, M.; Burton, B. P.; Costa e Silva, A. L. V.; Fultz, B. T.; Grabowski, B.; Grimvall, G.; Hallstedt, B.; Hellman, O.; Lindahl, B. B.; Schneider, A. et al.; Turchi, P. E. A.; Xiong, W.: Thermodynamic modelling of crystalline unary phases. Physica Status Solidi B 251 (1), pp. 14 - 32 (2014)

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