Enhancing mechanical properties of NiCoCr-based medium entropy alloys by tuning multiscale heterogeneous structures

Publications of Bojan Podgornik

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Leban, M. B.; Zajec, B.; Podgornik, B.; Donik, Č.; Jovičević-Klug, P.; Hren, M.; Legat, A.: Susceptibility of X17CrNi16-2 martensitic stainless steel to hydrogen embrittlement after conventional and deep cryogenic heat treatment. Engineering Failure Analysis 162, 108403 (2024)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Thormählen, L.; McCord, J.; Rohwerder, M.; Godec, M.; Podgornik, B.: Austenite reversion suppression with deep cryogenic treatment: A novel pathway towards 3rd generation advanced high-strength steels. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 873, 145033 (2023)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Rohwerder, M.; Godec, M.; Podgornik, B.: Complex Interdependency of Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, Fatigue Resistance, and Residual Stress of Austenitic Stainless Steels AISI 304L. Materials 16 (7), 2638 (2023)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Tegg, L.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Parmar, R.; Amati, M.; Gregoratti, L.; Almásy, L.; Cairney, J. M.; Podgornik, B.: Understanding carbide evolution and surface chemistry during deep cryogenic treatment in high-alloyed ferrous alloy. Applied Surface Science 610, 155497 (2023)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, M.; Tegg, L.; Jovičević-Klug, P.; Dražić, G.; Almásy, L.; Lim, B.; Cairney, J. M.; Podgornik, B.: Multiscale modification of aluminum alloys with deep cryogenic treatment for advanced properties. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 21, pp. 3062 - 3073 (2022)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Tegg, L.; Seidler, D.; Thormählen, L.; Parmar, R.; Amati, M.; Gregoratti, L.; Cairney, J.; McCord, J. et al.; Rohwerder, M.; Podgornik, B.: Correlative surface and bulk analysis of deep cryogenic treatment influence on high-alloyed ferrous alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 21, pp. 4799 - 4810 (2022)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Lipovšek, N.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Mrak, M.; Ekar, J.; Ambrožič, B.; Dražić, G.; Kovač, J.; Podgornik, B.: Assessment of deep cryogenic heat-treatment impact on the microstructure and surface chemistry of austenitic stainless steel. Surfaces and Interfaces 35, 102456 (2022)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Sedlaček, M.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Podgornik, B.: Effect of Deep Cryogenic Treatment on Wear and Galling Properties of High-Speed Steels (Correction: vol 14, 7561, 2021). Materials 15 (20), 7218 (2022)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Guštin, A. Z.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Šetina Batič, B.; Lebar, A.; Podgornik, B.: Coupled role of alloying and manufacturing on deep cryogenic treatment performance on high-alloyed ferrous alloys. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 18, pp. 3184 - 3197 (2022)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, M.; Rezar, R.; Jovičević-Klug, P.; Podgornik, B.: Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on natural and artificial aging of Al–Mg–Si alloy EN AW 6026. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 899, 163323 (2022)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, M.; Verbovšek, T.; Jovičević-Klug, P.; Šetina Batič, B.; Ambrožič, B.; Dražić, G.; Podgornik, B.: Revealing the Pb Whisker Growth Mechanism from Al-Alloy Surface and Morphological Dependency on Material Stress and Growth Environment. Materials 15 (7), 2574 (2022)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Podgornik, B.: Unravelling the Role of Nitrogen in Surface Chemistry and Oxidation Evolution of Deep Cryogenic Treated High-Alloyed Ferrous Alloy. Coatings 12 (2), 213 (2022)
Journal Article
Godec, M.; Zaefferer, S.; Podgornik, B.; Šinko, M.; Tchernychova, E.: Quantitative multiscale correlative microstructure analysis of additive manufacturing of stainless steel 316L processed by selective laser melting. Materials Characterization 160, 110074 (2020)

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