a: © Polizeiinspektion Stade b: © Fa. Schaeffler d:  ©RWTH Aachen c und e: © Max-Planck Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH

Publications of Martí López Freixes

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
López Freixes, M.; Zhou, X.; Aymerich-Armengol, R.; Vega-Paredes, M.; Peguet, L.; Warner, T.; Gault, B.: Crack arrest markings in stress corrosion cracking of 7xxx aluminium alloys: Insights into active hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms. Scripta Materialia 237, 115690 (2023)
Journal Article
Tehranchi, A.; Chakraborty, P.; López Freixes, M.; McEniry, E.; Gault, B.; Hickel, T.; Neugebauer, J.: Tailoring negative pressure by crystal defects: Microcrack induced hydride formation in Al alloys. Physical Review Materials 7, 105401 (2023)
Journal Article
Buttard, M.; López Freixes, M.; Josserond, C.; Donnadieu, P.; Chéhab, B.; Blandin, J.-J.; Gault, B.; De Geuser, F.; Martin, G.: Ageing response and strengthening mechanisms in a new Al–Mn–Ni–Cu–Zr alloy designed for laser powder bed fusion. Acta Materialia 259, 119271 (2023)
Journal Article
López Freixes, M.; Zhou, X.; Zhao, H.; Godin, .; Peguet, .; Warner, T.; Gault, B.: Revisiting stress-corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement in 7xxx-Al alloys at the near-atomic-scale. Nature Communications 13, 4290 (2022)

Preprint (1)

Tehranchi, A.; Chakraborty, P.; López Freixes, M.; McEniry, E.; Gault, B.; Hickel, T.; Neugebauer, J.: Tailoring negative pressure by crystal defects: Crack induced hydride formation in Al alloys. arXiv (2022)

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