Research Projects

Research Projects

Hydrogen Embrittlement Protection Coatings
The project Hydrogen Embrittlement Protection Coating (HEPCO) addresses the critical aspects of hydrogen permeation and embrittlement by developing novel strategies for coating and characterizing hydrogen permeation barrier layers for valves and pumps used for hydrogen storage and transport applications. more
Hydrogen Embrittlement in the Fe-Ni-System
In this project the influence of hydrogen on the mechanical behaviour of iron-nickel alloys is investigated by in-situ nanoindentation during hydrogen load and atom probe tomography (APT) of the hydrogen influenced areas. more
Hydrogen effects by in-situ nanoindentation
Understanding hydrogen-microstructure interactions in metallic alloys and composites is a key issue in the development of low-carbon-emission energy by e.g. fuel cells, or the prevention of detrimental phenomena such as hydrogen embrittlement. We develop and test infrastructure, through in-situ nanoindentation and related techniques, to study independently hydrogen absorption and further interaction with trap binding sites or defects and its effects on the mechanical behavior of metals. more
Crystallization kinetics and microstructural evolution of metallic glasses
Metallic glasses are continuously prone to structural changes due to their metastable character. These structural modifications, such as segregation or crystallization, can be used to produce nanocomposite or nanocrystalline functional materials or they can represent a deterioration of the material properties. In either case, a fundamental understanding of the process kinetics and chemical/structural evolution is essential. more
Hydrogen-microstructure interactions in Ferritic alloys at small scale
With the support of DFG, in this project the interaction of H with mechanical, chemical and electrochemical properties in ferritic Fe-based alloys is investigated by the means of in-situ nanoindentation, which can characterize the mechanical behavior of independent features within a material upon the simultaneous charge of H. more

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