First stages of fatigue damage

Publications of Fang Niu

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Niu, F.; Rabe, M.; Nayak, S.; Erbe, A.: Vibrational spectroscopic study of pH dependent solvation at a Ge(100)-water interface during an electrode potential triggered surface termination transition. The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 222824 (2018)
Journal Article
Niu, F.; Schulz, R.; Castañeda Medina, A.; Schmid, R.; Erbe, A.: Electrode potential dependent desolvation and resolvation of germanium(100) in contact with aqueous perchlorate electrolytes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (21), pp. 13585 - 13595 (2017)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Erbe, A.; Nayak, S.; Chen, Y.-H.; Niu, F.; Pander, M.; Tecklenburg, S.; Toparli, C.: How to probe structure, kinetics and dynamics at complex interfaces in situ and operando by optical spectroscopy. In: Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry; part of "Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering", pp. 199 - 219 (Ed. Wandelt, K.). Elsevier, Waltham, MA, USA (2017)
Book Chapter
Erbe, A.; Sarfraz, A.; Toparli, C.; Schwenzfeier, K.; Niu, F.: Optical absorption spectroscopy at interfaces. In: Soft Matter at Aqueous Interfaces (Lecture Notes in Physics), Chapter 14, Vol. 917, 14, pp. 459 - 490 (Eds. Lang, P. R.; Liu, Y.). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (2016)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Niu, F.; Erbe, A.: Structural Dynamics Study of Hydration Shells on n-Ge(100) in Aqueous Solution with Electrochemical Control. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, p. 3. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, FTS 2016, Leipzig, Germany, November 14, 2016 - November 17, 2016. OSA - The Optical Society, Washington, D.C., USA (2016)
Conference Paper
Pengel, S.; Niu, F.; Nayak, S.; Tecklenburg, S.; Chen, Y.-H.; Ebbinghaus, P.; Schulz, R.; Yang, L.; Biedermann, P. U.; Gygi, F. et al.; Schmid, R.; Galli, G.; Wippermann, S. M.; Erbe, A.: Oxygen reduction and water at the semiconductor/solution interface probed by stationary and time-resolved ATR-IR spectroscopy coupled to electrochemical experiments and DFT calculations. In: Program of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS) – Oral Abstracts, pp. 130 - 131 (Eds. Lendl, B.; Koch, C.; Kraft, M.; Ofner, J.; Ramer, G.). 8th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS), Vienna, Austria, July 12, 2015 - July 17, 2015. (2015)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Niu, F.: Investigation of interfacial water structure at Ge(100)/electrolyte interfaces by attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy. Dissertation, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany (2018)
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