Publications of Frank Stein

Journal Article (88)

Journal Article
Stein, F.; Schneider, A.; Frommeyer, G.: Flow stress anomaly and order-disorder transitions in Fe3Al-based Fe–Al–Ti–X alloys with X=V,Cr,Nb, or Mo. Intermetallics 11 (1), pp. 71 - 82 (2003)
Journal Article
Palm, M.; Zhang, L.; Stein, F.; Sauthoff, G.: Phases and phase equilibria in the Al-rich part of the Al–Ti system above 900 °C. Intermetallics 10 (6), pp. 523 - 540 (2002)
Journal Article
Stein, F.; Palm, M.; Sauthoff, G.: Intermetallic Laves phase compounds - Cubic vs. hexagonal crystal structure. Verhandl. DPG 6 (37), p. 282 - 282 (2002)
Journal Article
Stein, F.; Sauthoff, G.; Palm, M.: Experimental Determination of Intermetallic Phases, Phase Equilibria, and Invariant Reaction Temperatures in the Fe–Zr System. Journal of Phase Equilibria 23 (6), pp. 480 - 494 (2002)
Journal Article
Wasilkowska, A.; Bartsch, M.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Sauthoff, G.; Messerschmidt, U.: Mikrostruktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von Fe–Al mit verstärkender Zr(Fe,Al)2-Phase. Verhandl. DPG 6 (37), p. 264 - 264 (2002)
Journal Article
Zhang, L.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Sauthoff, G.: Formation of lamellar microstructures in Al-rich TiAl alloys between 900 and 1100°C. Intermetallics 9 (3), pp. 229 - 238 (2001)
Journal Article
Stein, F.; Zhang, L.; Sauthoff, G.; Palm, M.: TEM and DTA Study on the Stability of Al5Ti3- and h-Al2Ti-Superstructures in Aluminium-Rich TiAl Alloys. Acta Materialia 49 (15), pp. 2919 - 2932 (2001)
Journal Article
Stein, F.; Kaspar, R.; Sauthoff, G.: Einfluss der Stahlerzeugung auf Verzugserscheinungen in Werkstücken aus Stahl – Eine kritische Übersicht. Stahl und Eisen 120.2000 (12), pp. 107 - 114 (2000)

Book (1)

Stein, F.; Palm, M.; Associate Editors: Liya Dreval, Oleksandr Dovbenko, Svitlana Iljenko (Eds.): Selected Al–Fe–X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications. (2022)

Book Chapter (14)

Book Chapter
Bishara, H.; Stein, F.: Mo–Nb–V (Molybdenum-Niobium-Vanadium). In: Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications, Vol. 22, pp. 366 - 377 (Eds. Seifert, H. J.; Kumar , K. C. H.). MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart (2024)
Book Chapter
Bishara, H.; Yesilcicek, Y.; Stein, F.: Nb–Ni–V Ternary Phase Diagram Evaluation. In: Refractory Material Systems for Industrial Applications, pp. 450 - 464 (Eds. Seifert, H. J.; Kumar, K. C. H.). MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (2024)
Book Chapter
Malfliet, A.; Stein, F.; Vaubois, T.; Hari Kumar, K. C.: Al–Fe–Nb (Aluminium-Iron-Niobium). In: Ternary Alloys: Selected Al–Fe–X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications, Vol. 21, pp. 240 - 265 (Ed. Watson, A.) (2022)
Book Chapter
Stein, F.: Al–Fe (Aluminium-Iron). In: Ternary Alloys: Selected Al–Fe–X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications, Vol. 21, pp. 1 - 38 (Ed. Watson, A.). Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (2022)
Book Chapter
Stein, F.: Al–Fe–Hf (Aluminium-Iron-Hafnium). In: Ternary Alloys: Selected Al–Fe–X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications, Vol. 21, pp. 180 - 187 (Ed. Watson, A.). Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (2022)
Book Chapter
Stein, F.: Al–Fe–W (Aluminium-Iron-Tungsten). In: Ternary Alloys: Selected Al–Fe–X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications, Vol. 21, pp. 537 - 540 (Ed. Watson, A.). Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (2022)
Book Chapter
Stein, F.: Al–Fe–Zr (Aluminium–Iron–Zirconium). In: Selected Al-Fe-X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications, pp. 569 - 596 (Eds. Stein, F.; Palm, M.). MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (2022)
Book Chapter
Stein, F.; Korniyenko, K.: Al–Fe–Ti (Aluminium-Iron-Titanium). In: Ternary Alloys: Selected Al–Fe–X Ternary Systems for Industrial Applications, Vol. 21, pp. 474 - 515. Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany (2022)
Book Chapter
Palm, M.; Stein, F.: Iron-Based Intermetallics. In: High-Performance Ferrous Alloys, pp. 423 - 458 (Ed. Rana, R.). Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Switzerland (2021)
Book Chapter
Walnsch, A.; Stein, F.: Al–Mo Binary Phase Diagram Evaluation. In: MSI Eureka, 20.12123.3.1, 3 Ed., pp. 1 - 9 (Ed. Watson, A.). MSI, Materials Science International Services GmbH, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany (2020)
Book Chapter
Kriegel, M. J.; Fels, J.; Stein, F.: Fe–Nb–Ti Ternary Phase Diagram Evaluation. In: MSI Eureka, 10.36946.1.5, pp. 1 - 26 (Ed. Effenberg, G.). MSI, Materials Science International, Stuttgart, Germany (2019)
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