Publications of the Thin Films & Nanostructured Materials Group
This list consists only of publications since the formation of the group "Thin Films & Nanostructured Materials". If you click on an author's name, you will be directed to the authors complete MPS publication list.
Journal Article (29)
Journal Article
26 (19), 2400720 (2024)
Equiatomic CoCrFeNi Thin Films on C-Sapphire: The Role of Twins and Orientation Relationships. Advanced Engineering Materials 2.
Journal Article
5 (9), 2400011 (2024)
Tailoring Mechanical Properties and Shear Band Propagation in ZrCu Metallic Glass Nanolaminates Through Chemical Heterogeneities and Interface Density. Small Structures 3.
Journal Article
241, 112892 (2024)
Decomposition and dewetting of super-saturated Cu-15 at. % Co solid solution film. Materials & Design 4.
Journal Article
57, 065302 (2024)
Phase formation and electrical properties of reactively sputtered Fe1−xO thin films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 5.
Journal Article
258, 119226 (2023)
Mechanical properties and thermal stability of ZrCuAlx thin film metallic glasses: Experiments and first-principle calculations. Acta Materialia 6.
Journal Article
230, 115393 (2023)
Decoupling the electrical resistivity contribution of grain boundaries in dilute Fe-alloyed Cu thin films. Scripta Materialia 7.
Journal Article
29 (3), pp. 1077 - 1086 (2023)
Improving Spatial and Elemental Associations in Analytical Field Ion Microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis 8.
Journal Article
249, 118816 (2023)
Fe segregation as a tool to enhance electrical conductivity of grain boundaries in Ti(Co,Fe)Sb half Heusler thermoelectrics. Acta Materialia 9.
Journal Article
107 (5), 054103 (2023)
Universality of grain boundary phases in fcc metals: Case study on high-angle [111] symmetric tilt grain boundaries. Physical Review B 10.
Journal Article
167, 105020 (2022)
Gradient-enhanced modelling of deformation-induced anisotropic damage in metallic glasses. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 11.
Journal Article
219, 110752 (2022)
Effect of composition and nanostructure on the mechanical properties and thermal stability of Zr100-xCux thin film metallic glasses. Materials & Design 12.
Journal Article
57, pp. 9678 - 9692 (2022)
Advanced structural analysis of a laser additive manufactured Zr-based bulk metallic glass along the build height. Journal of Materials Science 13.
Journal Article
214, 114681 (2022)
Effect of hybridization in PdAlY-(Ni/Au/Ir) metallic glasses thin films on electrical resistivity. Scripta Materialia 14.
Journal Article
223, 117501 (2022)
Microstructure manipulation by laser-surface remelting of a full-Heusler compound to enhance thermoelectric properties. Acta Materialia 15.
Journal Article
111, pp. 105 - 110 (2022)
Structural deviations of bulk metallic glasses in downfacing surfaces fabricated via Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Procedia CIRP 16.
Journal Article
51, pp. 6 - 14 (2021)
Symbiotic crystal-glass alloys via dynamic chemical partitioning. Materials Today 17.
Journal Article
163, 107168 (2021)
Scratch hardness at a small scale: Experimental methods and correlation to nanoindentation hardness. Tribology International 18.
Journal Article
15 (10), pp. 16607 - 16615 (2021)
Understanding Grain Boundary Electrical Resistivity in Cu: The Effect of Boundary Structure. ACS Nano 19.
Journal Article
562, 150194 (2021)
Influence of substrates and e-beam evaporation parameters on the microstructure of nanocrystalline and epitaxially grown Ti thin films. Applied Surface Science 20.
Journal Article
104 (9), pp. 4728 - 4741 (2021)
Nanoindentation pop‐in in oxides at room temperature: dislocation activation or crack formation? Journal of the American Ceramic Society