
International Workshop on Sustainable Metallurgy of Green Steel (GreenSteel2022)

Registration deadline 5th September
Steel is of enduring importance in our society. It has enabled technological progress sustaining human civilization over millennia through structural and functional applications, even under the harshest environmental conditions. However, its production requires huge energy input and emits gigantic amounts of greenhouse gases, qualifying it as the main driver of global warming. To tackle the urgent decarbonization challenges in the steel industry, innovative and disruptive technologies must be invented and matured, based on solid understanding of the underlying principles. GreenSteel2022 presents the latest results from basic research, innovative ideas, and disruptive technologies to support the sustainable production of green steel, highlighting the nexus among physical metallurgy, process metallurgy, and the coming hydrogen age. The focus is placed on the basic physical and chemical foundations for improving the sustainability of steel in several areas, including the CO2-lean primary production, low-energy metallurgical synthesis and recycling, and applications of iron and steel for green energy generation and transportation. We cordially welcome you to participate in the workshop and discussion! Please register your participation on our GreenSteel2022 webpage. The registration deadline is the 5th of September. [more]
We are happy to announce and welcome you this year to an online seminar in place for the BiGmax workshop on Big-Data-Driven Materials Science. We were enlightened by your interest in the workshop back then in April. With the global Covid19 pandemic now, the online workshop will be slightly shorter. Currently, two topical sessions are planned with a half-day online seminar for each. One session will be on machine learning and image processing for materials science data. The other session will be on machine learning for and on the development of ab-initio methods. Each session will contain live talks and posters presentations. Aligned with the mission of BiGmax, the workshop will connect materials scientists with physicists, and experts for machine learning, scientific computing, and data science.We will contact all participants who had originally planned to join and contribute to the workshop. We will send an email invitation to every single one of you with the program and the details on how to participate. With that we hope to reconvene online this year and are very much looking forward to hearing, discussing, and learning from your contributions. [more]
In the European atom probe tomography workshop we aim to foster the exchange of new ideas in atom probe tomography and field ion microscopy community, especially those aspects not regularly covered in scientific publications. We therefore put special emphasis on peer-to-peer discussions around poster presentations and provide a choice of tutorials given by renown experts for the advanced atom probe user/scientist. We also aim to integrate scientists that are interested in applying atom probe tomography in an emerging field into the community. This will foster knowledge transfer between new applicatons and fundamental reserach in the physics of APT. We specially invite poster contributions. Details about the scientific and training program will be announced shortly. Registraton deadline is the 26th of October 2018. [more]

MPIE Workshop: Mechanisms of White Etching Matter Formation

MPIE Workshop: Mechanisms of White Etching Matter Formation
The Max-Planck-Insititut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf cordially invites academic and industrial researchers to the workshop on WEM formation, taking place on October 23nd 2018. This workshop will focus on the fundamental materials scientific processes behind this phenomenon. For this we have invited a number of speakers from complementary fields that are crucial for understanding the phenomenon. Topics will range from WEM formation mechanisms in bearings and rails, over WEM generation by heat, surface machining and high pressure torsion, and the role of hydrogen and electric current, to the remarkable resistance of high nitrogen steels to WEC failure. Participants must register till September 30th. The event is financed by the BMBF through grant 03SF0535 and is free of charge. [more]
As Additive Manufacturing technologies are being adopted in more and more industries, the focus of research and development is shifting to the materials in use. Additionally, an increasing number of researchers in academia and industry realise the potential of Additive Manufacturing to produce materials that were heretofore inaccessible by conventional manufacturing techniques or not economically feasible. The Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium aims to be a venue for the discussion of these issues by researchers in academia and application. All materials scientific issues pertaining to the additive manufacturing of metals, alloys and composites including a metallic phase fall under the scope of this conference. [more]

5th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals, CMCn 2016 and first DAMASK User Meeting

5th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals, CMCn 2016 and first DAMASK User Meeting
The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf is organizing the 5th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals and we would like to invite you and your research colleagues to participate in this event. This symposium is part of a biannual series of symposia that originated from the first joint research group established between the Max Planck Society and the Fraunhofer Society on the Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals. This year the symposium is combined with the first DAMASK User Meeting. DAMASK is the multi-physics simulation software developed at MPIE. If you and your colleagues would like to attend this event, then please register online before July 1st 2016. We emphasize that registration is mandatory and that there are limited places only. Many thanks and hope to see you in Düsseldorf! [more]

Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Workshop 2016

Additive Manufacturing is a technology on the verge of widespread adoption. In some fields such as dental implants, the tooling or the aerospace industry, it is rapidly becoming state of the art for the production of highly complex and/or individualised parts. Research is currently focussing on improvement of the processes in terms of reliability and productivity. At the same time, many researchers and users come to the conclusion that a renewed effort in understanding materials behaviour during the AM processes is a key requirement to pushing AM closer to application. [more]

Hydrogen Embrittlement and Sour Gas Corrosion

Hydrogen Embrittlement and Sour Gas Corrosion
The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf is organizing a workshop on Hydrogen Embrittlement and Sour Gas Corrosion in Oil and Gas Industry on 27th and 28th January 2015 and we would like to invite you and your research colleagues to participate in this event. The intention is to bring together leading experts from academia and industry in a workshop format that allows in-depth discussions of fundamental and applied research in this area. In the upcoming workshop, a broad variety of topics concerning hydrogen embrittlement and sour gas corrosion in oil and gas industry, with a focus on corrosion resistant alloys, will be presented. We also invite all interested participants to contribute with poster presentations on hydrogen embrittlement and sour gas corrosion related discussions during coffee and lunch breaks. Note that there are no restrictions on the poster lay-outs. If you and your colleagues would like to attend this event, then please register online before 10th December 2014. We emphasize that registration is mandatory and that there are limited places only. A participation fee of 100 Euros applies. [more]

Interface Design in Solar Cells

Interface Design in Solar Cells
The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf is organizing a workshop on interface design in solar cells on July, 2nd 2013. A broad variety of topics concerning the interfaces in solar cells will be presented: covering topics from CIGS/CZTS thin-film solar cells and Si multicrystalline solar cells to novel theoretical and experimental design approaches. The programme includes scientific talks, discussions and a lab session. Speakers include: Susane Siebentritt (Univ. Luxembourg) Roland Würz (ZSW) Daniel Abou-Ras (HZB) Otwin Breitenstein (MPI Halle) Karsten Albe (TU Darmstadt) Christian-Herbert Fischer (HZB) Joachim Mayer (RWTH Aachen) Winfried Seifert (IHP/BTU) [more]
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