Former Members

Publications of Eva Simone Karsten

Poster (3)

Karsten, E. S.; Fabritius, H.; Raabe, D.: Mechanical properties and deformation behavior of load-bearing parts from the exoskeleton of the crab Cancer pagurus. Euromat 2011 Conference, Montpellier, France (2011)
Fabritius, H.-O.; Karsten, E. S.; Balasundaram, K.; Hild, S.; Huemer, K.; Raabe, D.: Influence of Structural Organization and Mineral Distribution on the Local Mechanical Properties of Mineralized Cuticle. Workshop Prospects in BIONICS, Leoben, Austria (2010)
Fabritius, H.; Karsten, E. S.; Balasundaram, K.; Hild, S.; Huemer, K.; Raabe, D.: Influence of Structural Organization and Mineral Distribution on the Local Mechanical Properties of Mineralized Cuticle from the Crab Cancer pagurus. Materials Science and Engineering MSE 2010, Darmstadt, Germany (2010)
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