Former Members

Publications of M. Friák

Teaching (7)

Sander, B.; Ma, D.; Friák, M.; Roters, F.; Zaafarani, N.; Zaefferer, S.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: 1) Design of new Ti-based biomaterials by using ab-initio simulations, FEM, and experiments 2) Detailed analysis of an indent. Lecture: AICES – MIT conference, RWTH Aachen, Germany, October 08, 2007
Raabe, D.; Sachs, C.; Fabritius, H.; Friák, M.; Petrov, M.; Nikolov, S.; Romano, P.; Neugebauer, J.: Principles to design and simulate hierarchical materials with property-relevant structural features.

Thesis - Master (2)

Thesis - Master
Siboni, N. H.: Statistical and Quantum Mechanical Simulation of Interstitials in Metals - Mechanisms and Constraints for Superabundant Vacancy Formation. Master, RWTH Aachen, Institute for Computational Engineering Science, Aachen, Germany (2010)
Thesis - Master
Kim, O.: Ab-initio study of formation and interaction energies in steel and their relations to the solubility limit of carbon in austenite and ferrite. Master, RWTH-Aachen, Aachen, Germany (2007)

Report (1)

Raabe, D.; Sander, B.; Friák, M.; Ma, D.; Neugebauer, J.: Ab-initio simulation and experimental validation of beta-titanium alloys. (2008)
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