CD Laboratory for Diffusion and Segregation during Production of High Strength Steel (2008-2014) (closed)

Publications of P. Brito

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Liu, T.; Pinto, H.; Brito, P.; Sales, L. A.; Raabe, D.: Residual stress analysis in chemical-vapor-deposition diamond films. Applied Physics Letters 94 (20), 201902 (3pp) (2009)
Journal Article
Barbatti, C. F.; Garcia, J.; Brito, P.; Pyzalla, A. R.: Influence of WC substitution by TiC and (Ta,Nb)C on the oxidation resistance of Co-based cemented carbides. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 27, pp. 768 - 776 (2009)
Journal Article
Brito, P.; Pinto, H.; Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.; Pyzalla, A.: Stress on the surface? EDDI can help! BESSY Highlights, pp. 20 - 21 (2007)

Talk (2)

Brito, P.; Pinto, H.; Genzel, C.; Pyzalla, A. R.: Phase Composition and Internal Stress Development during the Oxidation of Iron Aluminides. MSE08 Materials Science and Engineering, Nürnberg, Germany (2008)
Brito, P.; Pinto, H.; Pyzalla, A. R.; Spiegel, M.: Phase composition and internal stress development during the oxidation of iron aluminides. Final Conference COST Action 535 Thermodynamics of Alloyed Aluminides (THALU) and 4th Discussion Meeting on the Development of Innovative Iron Aluminium Alloys, Interlaken, Switzerland (2007)

Poster (2)

Brito, P.; Pinto, H.; Spiegel, M.; Klaus, M.; Genzel, C.; Pyzalla, A. R.: Phase composition and internal stress development during the oxidation of iron aluminides. ICRS-8, Denver, CO, USA (2008)
Brito, P.; Pinto, H.; Spiegel, M.; Pyzalla, A. R.: Residual Stresses and Phase Composition in Oxide Layers grown on Iron Aluminides. MECASENS IV, Wien, Austria (2007)
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