Keynote speakers
The following speakers have kindly agreed to give a keynote presentation at the conference. The titles of their presentations will be made available at a later time.
Prof. Sudarsanam Suresh BabuOak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA "Site-Specific Control of Microstructure During Additive Manufacturing of Structural Metallic Alloy Components" |
Prof. Christian CoddetUniversité de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard, France "Powder materials selection for additive manufacturing: nightmare or opportunity?" |
Dr. Robert Deffley |
Dr. Teresa Pérez PradoMadrid Institute for Advanced Studies of Materials, Spain "Design and fabrication of AM metallic powders at the lab scale" |
Prof. Christopher TuckCentre for Additive Manufacturing, University of Nottingham, UK "Heat input effects on Selective Laser Melting" |
Dr. Andreas WeisheitFraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany "Innovative metallic materials and their potentials and challenges for Additive Manufacturing" |