Journal Article (66)
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Sustainable Ironmaking Toward a Future Circular Steel Economy: Exploiting a Critical Oxygen Concentration for Metallurgical Cu Removal from Scrap-Based Melts. Steel Research International 2.
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Iron ore wires as consumable electrodes for the hydrogen plasma smelting reduction in future green steel production. Sustainable Materials and Technologies 3.
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Local lattice distortions and chemical short-range order in MoNbTaW. Materials Research Letters 4.
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Effect of Si on the hydrogen-based direct reduction of Fe2O3 studied by XPS of sputter-deposited thin-film model systems. Scripta Materialia 5.
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Plasticity of the C15-CaAl2 Laves phase at room temperature. Materials and Design 6.
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Effect of substrate temperature on in-situ precipitation during laser powder bed fusion of Fe–TiB2 high modulus steel. Virtual and Physical Prototyping 7.
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The role of cementite on the hydrogen embrittlement mechanism in martensitic medium-carbon steels. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 8.
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The effect of an Al-induced ferritic microfilm on the hydrogen embrittlement mechanism in martensitic steels. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 9.
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The Role of an Al-induced Ferritic Microfilm in Martensitic Steels on the Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanisms Revealed by Advanced Microscopic Characterization. Microscopy and Microanalysis 10.
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High Modulus Steel Produced by Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 11.
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The addition of aluminum to brittle martensitic steels in order to increase ductility by forming a grain boundary ferritic microfilm. Scripta Materialia 12.
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Investigation of the effect of carbon on the reversible hydrogen trapping behavior in lab-cast martensitic Fe–C steels. Materials Characterization 13.
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A combinatorial study of the effect of Al and Cr additions on the mechanical, physical and corrosion properties of Fe. Materials Today Communications 15.
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Sustainable steel through hydrogen plasma reduction of iron ore: Process, kinetics, microstructure, chemistry. Acta Materialia 16.
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Influence of sample preparation on nanoindentation results of twinning-induced plasticity steel. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 17.
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The effect of quench cracks and retained austenite on the hydrogen trapping capacity of high carbon martensitic steels. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 18.
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On the effect of carbon content and tempering on mechanical properties and stiffness of martensitic Fe–18.8Cr–1.8B–xC high modulus steels. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 19.
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Dislocation plasticity and detwinning under thermal stresses in nanotwinned Ag thin films. Acta Materialia 20.
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Current Challenges and Opportunities in Microstructure-Related Properties of Advanced High-Strength Steels. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A