Publications of Leigh Stephenson

Talk (28)

Raabe, D.; Ponge, D.; Kwiatkowski da Silva, A.; Herbig, M.; Makineni, S. K.; Wu, X.; Katnagallu, S.; Stephenson, L.; Zhao, H.; Koyama, M. et al.; Kontis, P.; Scheu, C.; Liebscher, C.; Eggeler, G. F.; Spiecker, E.; Gault, B.: Advancing Alloys by Segregation Engineering. 18th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA18), Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA (2018)
Raabe, D.; Ponge, D.; Kwiatkowski da Silva, A.; Herbig, M.; Makineni, S. K.; Katnagallu, S.; Stephenson, L.; Scheu, C.; Liebscher, C.; Gault, B.: From Seeing Atoms Toward Understanding Atoms: Methods, Results and Challenges of Advanced Atom Probe Tomography. Hausdorff Lecture, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany (2018)
Breen, A. J.; Mouton, I.; Szczepaniak, A.; Lu, W.; Wang, S.; Kontis, P.; Stephenson, L.; Chang, Y.; Liebscher, C.; Britton, T. B. et al.; Gault, B.; Herbig, M.; Raabe, D.: Direct Observations of Atomic Hydrogen and Deuterium Interactions in Zircaloy-4. Atom Probe Tomography and Microscopy conference (APT&M) 2018, Gaithersburg, MD, USA (2018)
Chang, Y.; Mouton, I.; Stephenson, L.; Szczepaniak, A.; Lu, W.; Breen, A. J.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.: Influence of the field evaporation conditions on compositional analysis of titanium deuteride. Atom Probe Tomography and Microscopy 2018 , Gaitherburg, MD, USA (2018)
Kontis, P.; Makineni, S. K.; Stephenson, L.; Chang, Y.; Cormier, J.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.: The Role of Atom Probe Tomography on the Development of the Next Generation of High Performance Materials. 4th International Congress on 3D Materials Science (3DMS 2018), Helsingᴓr (Elsinore), Denmark (2018)
Chang, Y.; Breen, A. J.; Mouton, I.; Stephenson, L.; Szczepaniak, A.; Ackerman, A.; Kontis, P.; Tarzimoghadam, Z.; Kürnsteiner, P.; Dye, D. et al.; Ponge, D.; Gault, B.; Raabe, D.: Observing Solute Hydrogen and Hydride in Ti alloys by Atom Probe Tomography. TMS 2018, 147th Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA (2018)
Stephenson, L.: Advanced quantitative analysis for Atom Probe Tomography. APT school at Groupe de Physique des Matériaux (GPM), Université de Rouen, Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France (2018)
Stephenson, L.; Rusitzka, A. K.; Gault, B.: Seeing atoms in biological materials: a new frontier for atomic-scale tomography. Volkswagen Stifung Symposium, Bremen, Germany (2018)
Stephenson, L.; Mouton, I.; Rusitzka, A. K.; Gault, B.: Milled geometries for supporting initially liquid samples. European Atom Probe Workshop, Gullmarsstrand, Sweden (2017)
Ulfig, R. M.; Kelly, T. F.; Prosa, T. J.; Shepard, J.; Gault, B.; Stephenson, L.; von Gunten, D.; Maier, U.; Köster, S. A.; Reinhard, D. A.: Applications, Technical Challenges, and Recent Implementation of a UHV/Cryogenic Specimen Transfer System for Atom Probe Tomography. 7th European Atom Probe Workshop, Gullmarsstrand, Sweden (2017)
Rusitzka, A. K.; Stephenson, L.; Gremer, L.; Raabe, D.; Willbold, D.; Gault, B.: Getting insights to Alzheimer‘s disease by atom probe tomography. 6th International caesar conference, Overcoming Barriers — atomic-resolution and beyond: advances in molecular electron microscopy, Bonn, Germany (2017)
Gault, B.; De Geuser, F.; Katnagallu, S.; Nematollahi, G. A.; Dagan, M.; Parviainen, S.; Rusitzka, A. K.; Johnson, E.; Sundell, G.; Andersson, M. et al.; Stephenson, L.; Neugebauer, J.; Moody, M. P.; Vurpillot, F.; Raabe, D.: Reconstructing field ion microscopy and atom probe data. Australian Atom Probe Workshop, Magnetic Island, Australia (2017)

Poster (4)

Li, Y.; Stephenson, L.; Zhou, X.; Colnaghi, T.; Marek, A.; Bauer, S.; Rampp, M.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.: Machine-learning-assisted revealing L12 ordered structures in FCC-based alloys. BIGmax workshop 2020, online, Düsseldorf, Germany (2020)
Chang, Y.; Lu, W.; Stephenson, L.; Szczepaniak, A.; Kontis, P.; Ackerman, A.; Mouton, I.; Dye, D.; Liebscher, C.; Ponge, D. et al.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.: Cryogenic Focused Ion Beam milling - a promising technique to prevent undesired hydrogen pick-up and hydride formation in Ti-alloys during specimen preparation. Atom Probe Tomography and Microscopy 2018 , Gaitherburg, MD, USA (2018)
Rusitzka, A. K.; Stephenson, L.; Gremer, L.; Raabe, D.; Willbold, D.; Gault, B.: Getting insights to Alzheimer‘s disease by atom probe tomography. 7th European Atom Probe Workshop, Gullmarsstrand, Sweden (2017)
Rusitzka, A. K.; Stephenson, L.; Gremer, L.; Raabe, D.; Willbold, D.; Gault, B.: Getting insights to Alzheimer‘s disease by atom probe tomography. 6th International caesar conference, Overcoming Barriers — atomic-resolution and beyond: advances in molecular electron microscopy, Bonn, Germany (2017)

Preprint (4)

El-Zoka, A.; Stephenson, L.; Kim, S.-H.; Gault, B.; Raabe, D.: The fate of water in hydrogen-based iron oxide reduction. arXiv (2023)
Woods, E.; Kim, S.-H.; El-Zoka, A.; Stephenson, L.; Gault, B.: Scalable Substrate Development for Aqueous Biological Samples for Atom Probe Tomography. arXiv (2023)
Woods, E.; Saksena, A.; El-Zoka, A.; Stephenson, L.; Schwarz, T.; Singh, M. P.; Aota, L. S.; Kim, S.-H.; Schneider, J. M.; Gault, B.: Nanoporous gold thin films as substrates to analyze liquids by cryo-atom probe tomography. arXiv (2023)
Kim, S.-H.; Stephenson, L.; Kwiatkowski da Silva, A.; Gault, B.; El-Zoka, A.: Phase Separation and Anomalous Volume Expansion in Frozen Microscale Eutectic Indium-Gallium upon Remelting. arXiv (2022)
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