Members of Atomistic Modelling Group

Publications of Markus Döblinger

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Fominykh, K.; Böhm, D.; Zhang, S.; Folger, A.; Döblinger, M.; Bein, T.; Scheu, C.; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D.: Nonagglomerated Iron Oxyhydroxide Akaganeite Nanocrystals Incorporating Extraordinary High Amounts of Different Dopants. Chemistry of Materials 29 (17), pp. 7223 - 7233 (2017)
Journal Article
Dennenwaldt, T.; Wisnet, A.; Sedlmaier, S. J.; Döblinger, M.; Schnick, W.; Scheu, C.: Insight in the 3D morphology of silica-based nanotubes using electron microscopy. Micron 90, pp. 6 - 11 (2016)
Journal Article
Feckl, J. M.; Dunn, H. K.; Zehetmaier, P. M.; Müller, A.; Pendlebury, S. R.; Zeller, P.; Fominykh, K.; Kondofersky, I.; Döblinger, M.; Durrant, J. R. et al.; Scheu, C.; Peter, L. M.; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D.; Bein, T.: Ultrasmall Co3O4 Nanocrystals Strongly Enhance Solar Water Splitting on Mesoporous Hematite. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2 (18), 1500358 (2015)
Journal Article
Dennenwaldt, T.; Lübbe, M.; Winklhofer, M.; Müller, A.; Döblinger, M.; Nabi, H. S.; Gandman, M.; Cohen-Hyams, T.; Kaplan, W. D.; Moritz, W. et al.; Pentcheva, R.; Scheu, C.: Insights into the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Fe2-xTixO3/Fe2O3 thin films with x=0.44 grown on Al2O3 (0001). Journal of Materials Science 50 (1), pp. 122 - 137 (2015)
Journal Article
Dennenwaldt, T.; Lübbe, M.; Winklhofer, M.; Müller, A.; Döblinger, M.; Nabi, H. S.; Gandman, M.; Cohen-Hyams, T.; Kaplan, W. D.; Moritz, W. et al.; Pentcheva, R.; Scheu, C.: Insights into the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Fe2-xTixO3/Fe2O3 thin films with x=0.44 grown on Al2O3 (0001). Journal of Materials Science 50 (1), pp. 122 - 137 (2015)
Journal Article
Fominykh, K.; Chernev, P.; Zaharieva, I.; Sicklinger, J.; Stefanic, G.; Döblinger, M.; Müller, A.; Pokharel, A.; Böcklein, S.; Scheu, C. et al.; Bein, T.; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D.: Iron-Doped Nickel Oxide Nanorystals as Highly Efficient Electrocatalysts for Alkaline Water Splitting. ACS Nano 9 (5), pp. 5180 - 5188 (2015)
Journal Article
Farokhipoor, S.; Magén, C.; Venkatesan, S.; Íñiguez, J.; Daumont, C. J. M.; Rubí, D.; Snoeck, É.; Mostovoy, M. V.; De Graaf, C.; Müller, A. et al.; Döblinger, M.; Scheu, C.; Noheda, B.: Artificial chemical and magnetic structure at the domain walls of an epitaxial oxide. Nature 515 (7527), pp. 379 - 383 (2014)
Journal Article
Perassi, E. M.; Hrelescu, C.; Wisnet, A.; Döblinger, M.; Scheu, C.; Jäckel, F.; Coronado, E. A.; Feldmann, J.: Quantitative Understanding of the Optical Properties of a Single, Complex-Shaped Gold Nanoparticle from Experiment and Theory. ACS Nano 8 (5), pp. 4395 - 4402 (2014)
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