The AProLAM Project

Publications of Gerald Jeffrey Snyder

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Isotta, E.; Jiang, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Nagahiro, R.; Maeda, K.; Mattlat, D. A.; Odufisan, A. R.; Zevalkink, A.; Shiomi, J.; Zhang, S. et al.; Scheu, C.; Snyder, G. J.; Balogun, O.: Heat Transport at Silicon Grain Boundaries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2405413 (2024)
Journal Article
Bueno Villoro, R.; Wood, M.; Luo, T.; Bishara, H.; Abdellaoui, L.; Zavanelli, D.; Gault, B.; Snyder, G. J.; Scheu, C.; Zhang, S.: Fe segregation as a tool to enhance electrical conductivity of grain boundaries in Ti(Co,Fe)Sb half Heusler thermoelectrics. Acta Materialia 249, 118816 (2023)
Journal Article
Bueno Villoro, R.; Zavanelli, D.; Jung, C.; Mattlat, D. A.; Naderloo, R. H.; Pérez, N. A.; Nielsch, K.; Snyder, G. J.; Scheu, C.; He, R. et al.; Zhang, S.: Grain Boundary Phases in NbFeSb Half-Heusler Alloys: A New Avenue to Tune Transport Properties of Thermoelectric Materials. Advanced Energy Materials 13 (13), 2204321 (2023)
Journal Article
Luo, T.; Serrano Sanchez, F. M.; Bishara, H.; Zhang, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Kuo, J. J.; Felser, C.; Scheu, C.; Snyder, G. J.; Best, J. P. et al.; Dehm, G.; Yu, Y.; Raabe, D.; Fu, C.; Gault, B.: Dopant-segregation to grain boundaries controls electrical conductivity of η-type NbCo(Pt)Sn half-Heusler alloy mediating thermoelectric performance. Acta Materialia 217, 117147 (2021)
Journal Article
Luo, T.; Kuo, J. J.; Griffith, K. J.; Imasato, K.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Wuttig, M.; Gault, B.; Yu, Y.; Snyder, G. J.: Nb-Mediated Grain Growth and Grain-Boundary Engineering in Mg3Sb2-Based Thermoelectric Materials. Advanced Functional Materials 31 (28), 2100258 (2021)
Journal Article
Abdellaoui, L.; Chen, Z.; Yu, Y.; Luo, T.; Hanus, R.; Schwarz, T.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Snyder, G. J.; Raabe, D. et al.; Pei, Y.; Scheu, C.; Zhang, S.: Parallel Dislocation Networks and Cottrell Atmospheres Reduce Thermal Conductivity of PbTe Thermoelectrics. Advanced Functional Materials 31 (20), 2101214 (2021)
Journal Article
Male, J. P.; Abdellaoui, L.; Yu, Y.; Zhang, S.; Pieczulewski, N.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Scheu, C.; Snyder, G. J.: Dislocations Stabilized by Point Defects Increase Brittleness in PbTe. Advanced Functional Materials, 2108006 (2021)
Journal Article
Yu, Y.; Zhou, C.; Zhang, S.; Zhu, M.; Wuttig, M.; Scheu, C.; Raabe, D.; Snyder, G. J.; Gault, B.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.: Revealing nano-chemistry at lattice defects in thermoelectric materials using atom probe tomography. Materials Today 32, pp. 260 - 274 (2020)
Journal Article
Abdellaoui, L.; Zhang, S.; Zaefferer, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Baranovskiy, A.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Yu, Y.; Amouyal, Y.; Raabe, D.; Snyder, G. J. et al.; Scheu, C.: Density, distribution and nature of planar faults in silver antimony telluride for thermoelectric applications. Acta Materialia 178, pp. 135 - 145 (2019)

Talk (7)

Abdellaoui, L.; Yu, Y.; Zhang, S.; Luo, T.; Chen, Z.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Hanus, R.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Snyder, G. J.; Raabe, D. et al.; Pei, Y.; Scheu, C.: Parallel Dislocation Networks and Cottrell Atmospheres Reduce Thermal Conductivity of PbTe Thermoelectrics. Virtual Thermoelectric Conference 2021 (VCT 2021) (2021)
Bueno Villoro, R.; Luo, T.; Abdellaoui, L.; Scheu, C.; Gault, B.; Wood, M.; Snyder, G. J.; Zhang, S.: Effect of microstructure on the thermoelectric properties of Ti(Co,Fe)Sb half Heusler. Virtual Thermoelectric Conference (VCT2020), USA (2020)
Abdellaoui, L.; Yu, Y.; Zhang, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Luo, T.; Chen, Z.; Hanus, R.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Snyder, G. J.; Raabe, D. et al.; Pei, Y.; Scheu, C.: Detailed structure and chemistry of structural defects in PbTe based alloys. Virtual Thermoelectric Conference 2020 (VCT 2020) (2020)
Abdellaoui, L.; Zhang, S.; Rodenkirchen, C.; Zaefferer, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Guen, E.; Chapuis, P.-O.; Gomès, S.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Yu, Y. et al.; Amouyal, Y.; Raabe, D.; Snyder, G. J.; Scheu, C.: Effect of planar defects on the thermal conductivity of Ag16.7Sb30Te53.3 bulk thermoelectric. 6th German/Korean Thermoelectric workshop, Daegu, South Korea (2019)
Abdellaoui, L.; Zhang, S.; Rodenkirchen, C.; Zaefferer, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Yu, Y.; Amouyal, Y.; Raabe, D.; Snyder, G. J. et al.; Scheu, C.: The importance of crystallographic defects in Ag16.7Sb30Te53.3 thermoelectric bulk materials for the thermoelectric properties. EBSD conference 2019, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, London, UK (2019)
Abdellaoui, L.; Zhang, S.; Rodenkirchen, C.; Zaefferer, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Guen, E.; Chapuis, P.-O.; Gomès, S.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Yu, Y. et al.; Amouyal, Y.; Raabe, D.; Snyder, G. J.; Scheu, C.: Correlation of Microstructures and Thermal Conductivity of the Thermoelectric Material Ag16.7Sb30Te53.3. North American Thermoelectric workshop, Northwestern University, Eanston, Chicago, IL, USA (2019)
Abdellaoui, L.; Zhang, S.; Rodenkirchen, C.; Zaefferer, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Guen, E.; Chapuis, P.-O.; Gomès, S.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Yu, Y. et al.; Amouyal, Y.; Raabe, D.; Snyder, G. J.; Scheu, C.: The thermal conductivity of Ag16.7Sb30Te53.3 bulk thermoelectric with high density of planar faults. 38th/4th International and Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics , Gyeongju, South Korea (2019)

Poster (7)

Mattlat, D. A.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Jung, C.; Scheu, C.; Zhang, S.; Naderloo, R. H.; Nielsch, K.; He, .; Zavanelli, D.; Snyder, G. J.: Effective doping of InSbat the grain boundaries in Nb1-xTixFeSb based Half-Heusler thermoelectricsfor high electrical conductivity and Seebeckcoefficient. 40th International & 20th European Conference on Thermoelectrics, Krakow, Poland (accepted)
Bueno Villoro, R.; Zavanelli, D.; Jung, C.; Mattlat, D. A.; Naderloo, R. H.; Pérez, N. A.; Nielsch, K.; Snyder, G. J.; Scheu, C.; He, R. et al.; Zhang, S.: Grain Boundary Phases in NbFeSb Half-Heusler Alloys: A New Avenue to Tune Transport Properties of Thermoelectric Materials. Microscopy of semiconducting materials conference, Cambridge, UK (2023)
Bueno Villoro, R.; Wood, M.; Luo, T.; Bishara, H.; Abdellaoui, L.; Zavanelli, D.; Gault, B.; Snyder, G. J.; Scheu, C.; Zhang, S.: Effect of grain boundaries on electrical conductivity in Ti(Co,Fe)Sb half Heusler thermoelectrics. European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT), Barcelona, Spain (2022)
Abdellaoui, L.; Zhang, S.; Chen, Z.; Zaefferer, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Gault, B.; Yu, Y.; Rodenkirchen, C.; Cojocaru-Mirédin, O.; Amouyal, Y. et al.; Snyder, G. J.; Raabe, D.; Scheu, C.: Thermoelectric Materials: A methodology for defects characterizaton. Understanding Transport Processes on the Nanoscale for Energy Harvesting Devices Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef, Germany (2021)
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