Publications of Johann Jakob Schwiedrzik

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Schwiedrzik, J. J.; Ramachandramoorthy, R.; Edwards, T. E. J.; Schürch, P.; Casari, D.; Duarte, M. J.; Mohanty, G.; Dehm, G.; Maeder, X.; Philippe, L. et al.; Breguet, J.-M.; Michler, J. K.: Dynamic cryo-mechanical properties of additively manufactured nanocrystalline nickel 3D microarchitectures. Materials & Design 220, 110836 (2022)
Journal Article
Ramachandramoorthy, R.; Kalácska, S.; Poras, G.; Schwiedrzik, J. J.; Edwards , T. E. J.; Maeder, X.; Merle, T.; Ercolano, G.; Koelmans, W. W.; Michler, J. K.: Anomalous high strain rate compressive behavior of additively manufactured copper micropillars. Applied Materials Today 27, 101415 (2022)
Journal Article
N. Widmer, R.; Groetsch, A.; Kermouche, G.; Diaz, A.; Pillonel, G.; Jain, M.; Ramachandramoorthy, R.; Pethö, L.; Schwiedrzik, J.; Michler, J.: Temperature-dependent dynamic plasticity of micro-scale fused silica. Materials & Design 215, 110503 (2022)
Journal Article
Ramachandramoorthy, R.; Yang, F.; Casari, D.; Stolpe, M.; Jain, M.; Schwiedrzik, J. J.; Michler, J. K.; Kruzic, J. J.; Best, J. P.: High strain rate in situ micropillar compression of a Zr-based metallic glass. Journal of Materials Research (2021)
Journal Article
Schwiedrzik, J.; Raghavan, R.; Rüggeberg, M.; Hansen, S.; Wehrs, J.; Adusumalli, R. B.; Zimmermann, T.; Michler, J.: Identification of polymer matrix yield stress in the wood cell wall based on micropillar compression and micromechanical modelling. Philosophical Magazine 96 (32-34), pp. 3461 - 3478 (2016)
Journal Article
Schwiedrzik, J. J.; Raghavan, R.; Bürki, A.; Lenader, V.; Wolfram, U.; Michler, J. K.; Zysset, P. K.: In situ micropillar compression reveals superior strength and ductility but an absence of damage in lamellar bone. Nature Materials 13 (7), pp. 740 - 747 (2014)
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