Publications of M. Herbig

Talk (106)

Herbig, M.; Choi, P.; Raabe, D.: Combining Structural and Chemical Information on the nm Scale by Correlative TEM and APT Characterization. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2013, Indianapolis, IN, USA (2013)
Li, Y. J.; Choi, P.; Herbig, M.; Kostka, A.; Goto, S.; Borchers, C.; Raabe, D.; Kirchheim, R.: Atomic Scale Understanding of 6.8 GPa Ultra-high Strength Pearlite. 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-8), Waikoloa, HI, USA (2013)
Herbig, M.; Goto, S.; Li, Y.; Choi, P.; Zaefferer, S.; Nematollahi, A.; Kirchheim, R.; Nikolov, S.; Friák, M.; Borchers, C. et al.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: Nanostructures in 1 Billon Tons: Interface Engineering in Complex Steels and Biological Nanocomposites. Materialwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany (2013)
Raabe, D.; Choi, P.; Herbig, M.; Li, Y.; Zaefferer, S.; Kirchheim, R.: Iron – Mythology and High Tech: From Electronic Understanding to Bulk Nanostructuring of 1 Billion Tons. Summer School 2013 on Functional Solids – FERRUM - organized by Leibniz University Hannover, Goslar, Germany (2013)
Millán, J.; Ponge, D.; Yuan, L.; Sandlöbes, S.; Goto, S.; Li, Y.; Choi, P.-P.; Zaefferer, S.; Nematollahi, G. A.; Herbig, M. et al.; Kirchheim, R.; Inden, G.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: From defectant theory to nanoscale transformations in steels. Workshop on 'Current Challenges in Materials Physics' at Physics Faculty, University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany (2013)
Millán, J.; Ponge, D.; Yuan, L.; Sandlöbes, S.; Goto, S.; Li, Y.; Choi, P.-P.; Zaefferer, S.; Nematollahi, G. A.; Herbig, M. et al.; Kirchheim, R.; Inden, G.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: Nanoscale phase transformations at martensite interfaces. International Colloquium on Advanced Materials Simulation, Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS), Bochum, Germany (2013)
Herbig, M.; Seol, J.-B.; Gutiérrez-Urrutia, I.; Marceau, R. K. W.; Choi, P.; Raabe, D.: Atom probe tomography study of kappa carbide precipitation in light-weight austenitic Fe–Mn–Al–C steels. SFB 761 Industrieberaterkreis, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany (2013)
Millán, J.; Ponge, D.; Povstugar, I.; Sandlöbes, S.; Choi, P.-P.; Zaefferer, S.; Haghighat, S. M. H.; Eggeler, G. F.; Nematollahi, G. A.; Herbig, M. et al.; Kirchheim, R.; Inden, G.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: Scale-hoping approaches in desiging complex alloys. Royal Society International Seminar, Superalloys to Order' at the Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Chicheley, UK (2013)
Millán, J.; Ponge, D.; Yuan, L.; Sandlöbes, S.; Goto, S.; Li, Y.; Choi, P.; Zaefferer, S.; Nematollahi, A.; Herbig, M. et al.; Kirchheim, R.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: Design of nanostructured bulk steels. Colloquium lecture at University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany (2013)
Herbig, M.: Atomsondentomographie an Stählen. Fachausschuss für physikalische Chemie und metallurgische Verfahrensentwicklung, Stahlinstitut VDEh, Düsseldorf, Germany (2013)
Raabe, D.; Ponge, D.; Goto, S.; Gutiérrez-Urrutia, I.; Choi, P.; Herbig, M.; Li, Y.; Zaefferer, S.; Kirchheim, R.: Forget Spider Silk: Bulk Nanostructuring of 1 Billion Tons of Steel. Gordon Research Conference on Physical Metallurgy: Materials at Extremes, University of New England Biddeford, New England Biddeford, ME, USA (2013)
Herbig, M.; Marceau, R. K. W.; Millán, J.; Kuzmina, M.; Wang, M.; Sandlöbes, S.; Kostka, A.; Zaefferer, S.; Ponge, D.; Goto, S. et al.; Li, Y.; Choi, P.; Raabe, D.: Spatially Correlated TEM, EBSD and APT Analysis. SFB 761 Doktorandenseminar, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany (2012)
Herbig, M.; Marceau, R. K. W.; Millán, J.; Kuzmina, M.; Wang, M.; Sandlöbes, S.; Kostka, A.; Zaefferer, S.; Ponge, D.; Goto, S. et al.; Li, Y.; Choi, P.; Raabe, D.: Spatially Correlated TEM, EBSD and APT Analysis. SFB 761 Klausurtagung, Bad Neuenahr, Germany (2012)
Herbig, M.; Marceau, R. K. W.; Kostka, A.; Ponge, D.; Li, Y.; Choi, P.; Raabe, D.: Atomare Analyse von Konzentrationsänderungen an Grenzflächen mittels Atomsonde. SFB 761 Vollversammlung, RWTH Aachen, Germany (2012)
Herbig, M.; Li, Y.; Choi, P.: Atomic Analysis of Concentration Changes at Interfaces by Atom Probe Tomography. SFB 761 Doktorandenseminar, RWTH Aachen, Germany (2011)

Poster (4)

Kühbach, M.; Breen, A. J.; Herbig, M.; Gault, B.; Raabe, D.: Building a Library of Simulated Atom Probe Data for Different Crystal Structures and Pillar Orientations Using TAPSim. APT&M 2018 International Conference on Atom-Probe Tomography & Microscopy, Washington, DC, USA (2018)
Dey, P.; Nazarov, R.; Dutta, B.; Yao, M.; Welsch, E.; Herbig, M.; Friák, M.; Lipińska-Chwałek, M.; Hickel, T.; Scheu, C. et al.; Raabe, D.; Neugebauer, J.: Off-stoichiometric composition of κ carbide in Fe–Mn–Al–C steels: An ab-initio study combined with experiment. ADIS 2016 Workshop, Tegernsee, Germany (2016)
Herbig, M.; Choi, P.; Raabe, D.: A Sample Holder System that Enables Sophisticated TEM Analysis of APT Tips. International Field Emission Symposium 2012, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA (2012)
Herbig, M.; Choi, P.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: Segregation-Induced Phase Transformation on Grain Boundaries in Fe–Mn. TMS 2012, Solid-State Interfaces II Symposium, Orlando, FL, USA (2012)

Thesis - Habilitation (1)

Thesis - Habilitation
Herbig, M.: Hüftimplantate: Ein werkstoffwissenschaftlicher Blick auf Geschichte, Möglichkeiten und Limitationen. Habilitation, RWTH Aachen University (2021)
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