

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Kasdorf Giesbrecht, C.; Prabhakar, J. M.; Schwarz, T.; Bonnekoh, C.; Rieth, M.; Rohwerder, M.: Understanding nanoscale oxide build up on EUROFER97. Corrosion Science 245, 112691 (2025)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Prabhakar, J. M.; Kasdorf Giesbrecht, C.; Schwarz, T.; Bonnekoh, C.; Rieth, M.; Rohwerder, M.: Hydrogen diffusion and trapping in a cryogenic processed high-Cr ferrous alloy. npj Materials Degradation 8 (1), 104 (2024)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Bonnekoh, C.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Ambrožič, B.; Dražić, G.; Miłosz, Z.; Ma, Y.; McCarroll, I.; Breitbach, B.; Amati, M. et al.; Gregoratti, L.; Rieth, M.; Rohwerder, M.: Designing advanced high-Cr ferrous alloys for next-generation energy applications through cryogenic processing. Applied Surface Science 665, 160290 (2024)
Journal Article
Leban, M. B.; Zajec, B.; Podgornik, B.; Donik, Č.; Jovičević-Klug, P.; Hren, M.; Legat, A.: Susceptibility of X17CrNi16-2 martensitic stainless steel to hydrogen embrittlement after conventional and deep cryogenic heat treatment. Engineering Failure Analysis 162, 108403 (2024)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, M.; Ma, Y.; Jovičević-Klug, P.; Prabhakar, J. M.; Rohwerder, M.; Raabe, D.: Thermal Kinetics and Nitriding Effect of Ammonia-Based Direct Reduction of Iron Oxides. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 12 (26), pp. 9882 - 9896 (2024)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Jovičević-Klug, M.; Thormählen, L.; McCord, J.; Rohwerder, M.; Godec, M.; Podgornik, B.: Austenite reversion suppression with deep cryogenic treatment: A novel pathway towards 3rd generation advanced high-strength steels. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 873, 145033 (2023)
Journal Article
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Rohwerder, M.: Sustainable New Technology for the Improvement of Metallic Materials for Future Energy Applications. Coatings 13 (11), 1822 (2023)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Jovičević-Klug, P.; Rohwerder, M.: Cryogenic Treatments in Energy Sector. In: Encyclopedia. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (2023)

Film (2)

Jovičević-Klug, P.: Cryogenic Treatments in Energy Sector. (2024)
Jovičević-Klug, P.: Deep Cryogenic Treatment of Metals. (2023)
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