Publications of theThin Film Materials Design Group

Publications of the
Thin Film Materials Design Group

Neuß, D.; McCaroll, I.; Zhang, S.; Woods, E.; Delis, W. J.; Tanure, L.; Springer, H.; Sandlöbes, S.; Yang, J.; Todorova, M. et al.; Zander, D.; Scheu, C.; Schneider, J. M.; Hans, M.: High-resolution chemical and structural characterization of the native oxide scale on a Mg-based alloy. Corrosion Science 227, 111776 (2024)
Harandi, A.; Rezaei, S.; Aghda, S. K.; Du, C.; Brepols, T.; Dehm, G.; Schneider, J. M.; Reese, S.: Numerical and experimental studies on crack nucleation and propagation in thin films. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 258, 108568 (2023)
Devulapalli, V.; Hans, M.; Prithiv, T. S.; Schneider, J. M.; Dehm, G.; Liebscher, C.: Microstructure, grain boundary evolution and anisotropic Fe segregation in (0001) textured Ti thin films. Acta Materialia 238, 118180 (2022)
Bishara, H.; Kontis, P.; Dehm, G.; Schneider, J. M.; Evertz, S.: Effect of hybridization in PdAlY-(Ni/Au/Ir) metallic glasses thin films on electrical resistivity. Scripta Materialia 214, 114681 (2022)
Mishra, A. K.; Gopalan, H.; Hans, M.; Kirchlechner, C.; Schneider, J. M.; Dehm, G.; Jaya, B. N.: Strategies for damage tolerance enhancement in metal/ceramic thin films: Lessons learned from Ti/TiN. Acta Materialia 228, 117777 (2022)
Sahu, R.; Bogdanovski, D.; Achenbach, J.-O.; Schneider, J. M.; Scheu, C.: Defects in an orthorhombic MoAlB MAB phase thin film grown at moderate synthesis temperature. Nanoscale 14 (7), pp. 2578 - 2585 (2022)
Sahu, R.; Bogdanovski, D.; Achenbach, J.-O.; Zhang, S.; Hans, M.; Primetzhofer, D.; Schneider, J. M.; Scheu, C.: Direct MoB MBene domain formation in magnetron sputtered MoAlB thin films. Nanoscale 13 (43), pp. 18077 - 18083 (2021)
Holzapfel, D. M.; Mušić, D.; Hans, M.; Wolff-Goodrich, S.; Holec, D.; Bogdanovski, D.; Arndt, M.; Eriksson, A. O.; Yalamanchili, K.; Primetzhofer, D. et al.; Liebscher, C.; Schneider, J. M.: Enhanced thermal stability of (Ti,Al)N coatings by oxygen incorporation. Acta Materialia 218, 117204 (2021)
Marshal, A.; Singh, P.; Mušić, D.; Wolff-Goodrich, S.; Evertz, S.; Schökel, A.; Johnson, D. D.; Dehm, G.; Liebscher, C.; Schneider, J. M.: Effect of synthesis temperature on the phase formation of NiTiAlFeCr compositionally complex alloy thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 854, 155178 (2021)
Wolff-Goodrich, S.; Marshal, A.; Pradeep, K. G.; Dehm, G.; Schneider, J. M.; Liebscher, C.: Combinatorial exploration of B2/L21 precipitation strengthened AlCrFeNiTi compositionally complex alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 853, 156111 (2021)
Evertz, S.; Schnabel, V.; Köhler, M.; Kirchlechner, I.; Kontis, P.; Chen, Y.-T.; Soler, R.; Jaya, B. N.; Kirchlechner, C.; Mušić, D. et al.; Gault, B.; Gault, B.; Schneider, J. M.; Raabe, D.; Dehm, G.: Review on Quantum Mechanically Guided Design of Ultra-Strong Metallic Glasses. Frontiers in Materials 7, 89 (2020)
Völker, B.; Du, C.; Fager, H.; Rueß, H.; Soler, R.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.; Schneider, J. M.: How tensile tests allow a screening of the fracture toughness of hard coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology 390, 125645 (2020)
Evertz, S.; Kirchlechner, I.; Soler, R.; Kirchlechner, C.; Kontis, P.; Bednarcik, J.; Gault, B.; Dehm, G.; Raabe, D.; Schneider, J. M.: Electronic structure based design of thin film metallic glasses with superior fracture toughness. Materials and Design 186, 108327 (2020)
Stelzer, B.; Chen, X.; Bliem, P.; Hans, M.; Völker, B.; Sahu, R.; Scheu, C.; Primetzhofer, D.; Schneider, J. M.: Remote Tracking of Phase Changes in Cr2AlC Thin Films by In-situ Resistivity Measurements. Scientific Reports 9, 8266 (2019)
Kontis, P.; Köhler, M.; Evertz, S.; Chen, Y. T.; Schnabel, V.; Soler, R.; Bednarick, J.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.; Raabe, D. et al.; Schneider, J. M.; Gault, B.: Nano-laminated thin film metallic glass design for outstanding mechanical properties. Scripta Materialia 155, pp. 73 - 77 (2018)
Soler, R.; Gleich, S.; Kirchlechner, C.; Scheu, C.; Schneider, J. M.; Dehm, G.: Fracture toughness of Mo2BC thin films: Intrinsic toughness versus system toughening. Materials and Design 154, pp. 20 - 27 (2018)
Gleich, S.; Breitbach, B.; Peter, N. J.; Soler, R.; Bolvardi, H.; Schneider, J. M.; Dehm, G.; Scheu, C.: Thermal stability of nanocomposite Mo2BC hard coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering. Surface and Coatings Technology 349, pp. 378 - 383 (2018)
Gleich, S.; Soler, R.; Fager, H.; Bolvardi, H.; Achenbach, J.-O.; Hans, M.; Primetzhofer, D.; Schneider, J. M.; Dehm, G.; Scheu, C.: Modifying the nanostructure and the mechanical properties of Mo2BC hard coatings: Influence of substrate temperature during magnetron sputtering. Materials and Design 142, pp. 203 - 211 (2018)
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