High electric fields in electrochemistry and in atom probe tomography
We would like to invite you to participate in our three-days workshop, which will be held between March 29 and April 1, 2017 at Ringberg Castle. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together distinguished scientists working in the area of atom probe tomography, field-ion microscopy and electrochemistry, to discuss possibilities, requirements, and challenges for the effective modeling of electric fields across a wide range.
The exchange of ideas between seemingly different fields often drives progress, particularly in areas where scientists face similar methodological problems, and advances in the development of effective modeling techniques will be beneficial to each field. To provide ample time for discussion and exchange the workshop will be restricted to 35 participants. Each invited speaker is asked to give a 60-minute tutorial like presentation (not including the discussion of appr. 20 min). We expect stimulating discussions on recent results and scientific concepts.
Please explore further details of the workshop on the following pages: