Research Scholarships
Below you find information on funding options and the application procedure for PostDoc Scholarships (up to 10 years after your PhD) and for Research Scholarships (more than 10 years after your PhD).
For both scholarships the MPI-SusMat can offer funding in a defined range.
PostDoc Scholarships (up to 10 years after PhD)
Postdoc scholarships enable highly qualified researchers from abroad who already obtained a PhD to either develop a new research topic in a thematically relevant context or to pursue an already existing project. We support promoted scientists from abroad, who obtained their doctorate up to 10 years ago, for a period of up to 2 years.
The prerequisite for this sponsorship is that the planned project topic is compatible with a current field and research focus at the institute.
Eligibility criteria: You have obtained an outstanding PhD in materials science, physics or a related subject.
Research Scholarships (more than 10 years after PhD)
For senior scientists, whose doctorate is more than 10 years ago, we also offer scholarships to a limited extend. You are coming from abroad and would like to expedite your own research project with our Institute in a corresponding thematic context? We also award scholarships in this area under the same conditions as outlined for PostDocs. There are also other possibilities of financial compensation, if researchers undertake a place of employment at their home country.
These MPI-SusMat Research Scholarships are aimed at established researchers from abroad, whose projects expand and enrich MPI-SusMat´s own research fields through the scholarship holder´s international research perspective. In particular they help to deepen existing co-operations with research institutes from abroad and to develop new joint research projects.
Admission procedure for the guest program with financial support by the MPI-SusMat
You can apply for entry within our guest program at any time. Due to capacity reasons we can only offer a limited number of places/ scholarships. Your nationality is irrelevant to us however excellent spoken and written English skills are mandatory. We are an equal opportunity employer. If you are interested in a research stay at our Institute please contact the Research Group fitting to your project.
Further information on admission mode for the guest-program
A scientific board, the so-called scholarship commission, consisting of the directors of our Institute, will decide on the selection of scholarships during its regular meetings. The allocation of grants is dependent upon the institute’s capacity to finance and accommodate guests.
The application
Please sent us the following documents at least three months prior to the planned stay as pdf-file (max. size 2 MB):
- Scientific CV incl. publication list
- A description of your current or planned research project that you plan to perform with us (max. 2 pages)
- Two papers related to your planned project
- At least two reference letters from former supervising professors
- The tie connecting your research project to the actual main focus of our Institute should be made clear
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further requests.
We are looking forward to your application!