Sunday, October 24
16:00 Start of Registration
19:00 Welcome Reception
Monday, October 25
Multiscale materials simulation
9:15 - 10:15 Vaclav Vitek: Linking atomic level dislocation modelling with macroscopic deformation behaviour via mesoscopic dislocation mechanisms
11:00 - 12:00 Duane D. Johnson: Quantitative Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Real Materials
14:15 - 15:15 Alexander Hartmaier: Scale-bridging modelling of mechanical properties of interfaces
16:00 - 17:00 Siegfried Schmauder: Atomistic simulations of strengthening effects in alpha-iron
17:15 Flash Poster Session
20:00 Poster Session
Tuesday, October 26
Hydrogen embrittlement
8:45 - 9:45 Rainer Kirchheim: Hydrogen embrittlement recent models and experimental results
10:00 - 10:30 Yuri Yagodzinskyy: Effect of hydrogen on plastic deformation of stable austenitic stainless steel single crystals
11:00 - 12:00 William Curtin: Multiscale modeling of hydrogen embrittlement
14:15 - 14:45 Johann von Pezold: Atomistic investigation of the Hydrgen Enhanced Local Plasticity (HELP) Mechanism
Deformation mechanisms
14:50 - 15:50 Marcel Sluiter: Ab initio predictions of the multifarious roles of substitutional alloying elements in low-alloyed ferritic steel
16:30 - 17:30 Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl: Stacking fault energies of metals and metal alloys
17:45 - 18:15 Alexey Dick: Towards an ab initio based understanding of deformation mechanisms in high-manganese steels
Theory meets experiment
20:00 - 21:00 G. Malcolm Stocks: Fundamental studies of defects in structural materials: dislocations and displacement cascades
21:15 - 21:45 Martin Friák: Ab-initio based multi-scale approaches to the elasticity of polycrystals
Wednesday, October 27
Methodological Developments
8:45 - 9:45 Ivan Leonov: Structural and magnetic properties of Fe obtained by DMFT
10:00 - 10:30 Tilmann Hickel: Phase stabilities of metals at