Cyclic plasticity and constitutive modeling of transformation assisted interstitial high-entropy alloys

Publications of Michael Herbig

Journal Article (64)

Journal Article
Kiranbabu, S.; Qin, Y.; Sreekala, L.; Das, S. M.; Pippan, R.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: Decomposition-resistant carbonitride precipitates in X30CrMoN15-1 high-nitrogen bearing steel deformed by high-pressure torsion. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 863, 144529 (2023)
Journal Article
Tung, P.-Y.; Zhou, X.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: Formation mechanism of brown etching layers in pearlitic rail steel. Materialia 26, 101625 (2022)
Journal Article
Harrison, P.; Zhou, X.; Das, S. M.; Lhuissier, P.; Liebscher, C.; Herbig, M.; Ludwig, W.; Rauch, E. F.: Reconstructing dual-phase nanometer scale grains within a pearlitic steel tip in 3D through 4D-scanning precession electron diffraction tomography and automated crystal orientation mapping. Ultramicroscopy 238, 113536 (2022)
Journal Article
Srikakulapu, K.; Tung, P.-Y.; Sreekala, L.; Prithiv, T. S.; Hickel, T.; Pippan, R.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: Cementite decomposition in 100Cr6 bearing steel during high-pressure torsion: Influence of precipitate composition, size, morphology and matrix hardness. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 833, 142372 (2022)
Journal Article
Tsai, S.-P.; Konijnenberg, P. J.; Gonzalez, I.; Hartke, S.; Griffiths, T. A.; Herbig, M.; Kawano-Miyata, K.; Taniyama, A.; Sano, N.; Zaefferer, S.: Development of a new, fully automated system for electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)-based large volume three-dimensional microstructure mapping using serial sectioning by mechanical polishing, and its application to the analysis of special boundaries in 316L stainless steel. Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 093707 (2022)
Journal Article
Liu, C.; Li, Z.; Lu, W.; Bao, Y.; Xia, W.; Wu, X.; Zhao, H.; Gault, B.; Liu, C.; Herbig, M. et al.; Fischer, A.; Dehm, G.; Wu, G.; Raabe, D.: Reactive wear protection through strong and deformable oxide nanocomposite surfaces. Nature Communications 12 (1), 5518 (2021)
Journal Article
Tung, P.-Y.; Zhou, X.; Mayweg, D.; Morsdorf, L.; Herbig, M.: Under-stoichiometric cementite in decomposing binary Fe–C pearlite exposed to rolling contact fatigue. Acta Materialia 216, 117144 (2021)
Journal Article
Mayweg, D.; Morsdorf, L.; Li, Y.; Herbig, M.: Correlation between grain size and carbon content in white etching areas in bearings. Acta Materialia 215, 117048 (2021)
Journal Article
Zachariah, Z.; Balachandran, S.; Liu, Z.; Pourzal, R.; McCarthy, S.; Hall, D. J.; Fischer, A.; Raabe, D.; Herbig, M.: On the Formation Mechanism of Column Damage Within Modular Taper Junctions. The Journal of Arthroplasty 36 (7), pp. 2603 - 2611.E2 (2021)
Journal Article
Orava, J.; Balachandran, S.; Han, X.; Shuleshova, O.; Nurouzi, E.; Soldatov, I.; Oswald, S. E.; Gutowski, O.; Ivashko, O.; Dippel, A. C. et al.; v. Zimmermann, M.; Ivanov, Y. P.; Greer, L. A.; Raabe, D.; Herbig, M.; Kaban, I.: In situ correlation between metastable phase-transformation mechanism and kinetics in a metallic glass. Nature Communications 12, 2839 (2021)
Journal Article
Morsdorf, L.; Emelina, E.; Gault, B.; Herbig, M.; Tasan, C. C.: Carbon redistribution in quenched and tempered lath martensite. Acta Materialia 205, 116521 (2021)
Journal Article
Herbig, M.; Kumar, A.: Removal of hydrocarbon contamination and oxide films from atom probe specimens. Microscopy Research and Technique 84 (2), pp. 291 - 297 (2021)
Journal Article
Mayweg, D.; Morsdorf, L.; Wu, X.; Herbig, M.: The role of carbon in the white etching crack phenomenon in bearing steels. Acta Materialia 203, 116480 (2021)
Journal Article
Tung, P.-Y.; McEniry, E.; Herbig, M.: The role of electric current in the formation of white-etching-cracks. Philosophical Magazine 101 (1), pp. 59 - 76 (2021)
Journal Article
Qin, Y.; Mayweg, D.; Tung, P.-Y.; Pippan, R.; Herbig, M.: Mechanism of cementite decomposition in 100Cr6 bearing steels during high pressure torsion. Acta Materialia 201, pp. 79 - 93 (2020)
Journal Article
Raabe, D.; Sun, B.; Kwiatkowski da Silva, A.; Gault, B.; Yen, H.-W.; Sedighiani, K.; Prithiv, T. S.; Souza Filho, I. R.; Katnagallu, S.; Jägle, E. A. et al.; Kürnsteiner, P.; Kusampudi, N.; Stephenson, L.; Herbig, M.; Liebscher, C.; Springer, H.; Zaefferer, S.; Shah, V.; Wong, S. L.; Baron, C.; Diehl, M.; Roters, F.; Ponge, D.: Current Challenges and Opportunities in Microstructure-Related Properties of Advanced High-Strength Steels. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51, pp. 5517 - 5586 (2020)
Journal Article
Breen, A. J.; Stephenson, L.; Sun, B.; Li, Y.; Kasian, O.; Raabe, D.; Herbig, M.; Gault, B.: Solute hydrogen and deuterium observed at the near atomic scale in high-strength steel. Acta Materialia 188, pp. 108 - 120 (2020)
Journal Article
Morsdorf, L.; Mayweg, D.; Li, Y.; Diederichs, A.; Raabe, D.; Herbig, M.: Moving cracks form white etching areas during rolling contact fatigue in bearings. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 771, 138659 (2020)
Journal Article
Balachandran, S.; Zachariah, Z.; Fischer, A.; Mayweg, D.; Wimmer, M. A.; Raabe, D.; Herbig, M.: Atomic Scale Origin of Metal Ion Release from Hip Implant Taper Junctions. Advanced Science, 1903008 (2020)
Journal Article
Katnagallu, S.; Wu, G.; Singh, S. P.; Nandam, S. H.; Xia, W.; Stephenson, L.; Gleiter, H.; Schwaiger, R.; Hahn, H.; Herbig, M. et al.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.; Balachandran, S.: Nanoglass–Nanocrystal Composite - a Novel Material Class for Enhanced Strength-Plasticity Synergy. Small 16 (39), 2004400 (2020)
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