Dr. Stefan Zaefferer
Department Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design
Microscopy and Diffraction
Microscopy and Diffraction
Curriculum Vitae
Stefan Zaefferer studied physical metallurgy and metal physics at the
TU Clausthal in Germany. His PhD thesis with the title „Development and
application of a computer software for the determination of deformation
mechanisms in materials with hexagonal crystal structure by
transmission electron microscopy“ was carried out at the TU Clausthal as
well. After this, he went for a 2.5 years post doc time at Paris
(Université Paris-Sud, Orsay) and a 1.5 years time at Kyoto (Kyoto
University). During this time he focussed mainly on the deformation and
recrystallization mechanisms of metals with fcc crystal structure by
TEM. At the same time he developed the computer program TOCA „Tools for
orientation determination and crystallographic analysis“ an on-line
TEM-Program for indexing of diffraction patterns and microscope control
„virtual microscope“. Since 2000 he is head of the research group
„Microscopy and Diffraction“ at the MPIE. In this time he has mainly
dealt with the development of electron diffraction techniques in SEM and
TEM and applied these methods to the investigation of various metallic
and intermetallic materials. Currently, SZ tries to focus his research
activities on projects where environmental protection and sustainability
play an important role, e.g. materials for thermal solar power plants,
photovoltaic materials, and light, abundant and recyclable structural
In 2009 he passed his habilitation at the RWTH Aachen and teaches there, together with colleagues from the RWTH and the MPIE, a self-developed master course „Microstructures, Microscopy and Modelling“. At the same time he teaches the class „Electron diffraction methods in the SEM“ at the MPIE as well as a guest professor at various universities (currently Vienna, Vancouver, Melbourne).
In 2009 he passed his habilitation at the RWTH Aachen and teaches there, together with colleagues from the RWTH and the MPIE, a self-developed master course „Microstructures, Microscopy and Modelling“. At the same time he teaches the class „Electron diffraction methods in the SEM“ at the MPIE as well as a guest professor at various universities (currently Vienna, Vancouver, Melbourne).