Best Poster Award for Max Planck researcher
Poulumi Dey awarded at International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen
Dr. Poulumi Dey, postdoctoral researcher in the group “Computational Phase Studies” in the department “Computational Materials Design” won one of two Best Poster Awards at the 3rd International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen "SteelyHydrogen2018”. The conference was organised by the Belgian research centre OCAS (Onderzoeks Centrum voor de Aanwending van Staal) and took place from 29th to 31st of May in Ghent, Belgium.

Dey investigated hydrogen embrittlement (HE) in nickel-based superalloys and focused on the impact of the interplay of hydrogen with the underlying material’s microstructure on HE. The study resolved the impact of different chemical environments and crystal structures of the precipitate phases on the hydrogen solution enthalpies with the aid of density functional theory (DFT). Furthermore, the co-segregation of hydrogen with other interstitial elements e.g. boron at different kinds of interfaces between precipitates and matrix were thoroughly investigated within DFT. Such a study yielded an intriguing result about the presence of boron lowering hydrogen solubility at the interface thereby helpful in resisting HE in nickel-based superalloys.

Dey was one of 177 hydrogen experts from 27 different countries who participated in the "SteelyHydrogen2018”. The meeting’s main focus was on hydrogen embrittlement of metals, especially in aluminium-, titanium- and nickel-based alloys. The conference combined approaches from scientific research with a more industry-oriented viewpoint and intended to further the development of new perspectives for the research on hydrogen-related phenomena.