
We encourage Ph. D. students, post-docs, young and senior scientists working on ab initio methods and/or thermodynamic properties of steels to contribute to the discussions and to present their own research. The number of participants is strictly limited to 60 (incl.invited speakers). Only 40 of them can be accommodated at Ringberg castle, whereas for the others a nearby guest house will be reserved and a shuttle will be provided. We, therefore, advise scientists interested in attending the seminar to send their application as soon as possible to adis2012[at]

Your application should include an abstract and a confirmation that you will stay for the whole time of the workshop (29 April - 4 May 2012). You might also indicate if an accommodation in a single room is preferred. However, due to space limitations, this cannot be guaranteed. Please note that there will be no automatic response to your email. The scientific organizers will inform you about the possibility of participation after the submission deadline.


The application / abstract submission deadline is March 1, 2012.

Conference Fee

The conference fee, which includes lodging for five nights and all meals, is 650 € for participants.

Students staying in a double room may apply for a reduced fee (500 €).

Invited speakers do not need to pay a conference fee.

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