Sunday, April 29th
16:00 Start of registration
19:00 Welcome reception
Monday, April 30th
09:15-10:15 Igor Abrikosov: Ab initio simulations of paramagnetic state: effects of temperature and electron correlations
11:00-12:00 Andrei Ruban: Effect of magnetic short-range order on properties of Fe and its alloys
14:15-15:15 Stefan Müller: Correlations between thermodynamical and electronic properties in functional materials
16:00-17:00 Subhradip Ghosh: The Itinerant Coherent Potential Approximation
17:15 Flash poster session
20:00 Poster session
Tuesday, May 1st
08:45-09:45 George Smith: Atom probe tomography study of 3-d nanoscale chemistry of steels
10:00-10:30 Andreas Leineweber: Elastic anisotropy of some iron carbides
11:00-12:00 Marcel Sluiter: Ab initio computation of solubility product of NbC in low alloyed ferritic steel
14:15-15:15 Dario Alfè: Complementary approaches to high temperature-high pressure crystal structure stability and melting
16:00-17:00 Blazej Grabowski: Ab initio prediction of materials properties up to the melting point
17:15-18:15 Tilmann Hickel: The influence of magnetic excitations on the phase stability of metals and steels
20:00-20:30 Adrian Sutton: New physics in atomic channelling
20:35-21:05 Eunan McEniry: Beyond Slater-Koster: environmental tight-binding of nickel and cobalt
21:10-21:40 Gabor Csanyi: Gaussian Approximation Potential for metals
Wednesday, May 2nd
08:45-09:45 Frédéric Soisson: Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of diffusive phase transformations in iron based alloys
10:00-10:30 Roman Nazarov: Thermodynamics and kinetics of H interaction with vacancies in fcc metals
11:00-12:00 Daniel Mason: On-the-fly kinetic Monte Carlo
20:00-20:30 Jutta Rogal: Solid-liquid interface free energies and structural phase transformations
20:35-21:05 Chris Race: The kinetics of grain boundary migration in molecular dynamics
Thursday, May 3rd
08:45-09:45 Sergei Dudarev: Applied models for iron-based alloys
10:00-10:30 Stefaan Cottenier: The ground state elemental crystals as a benchmark
11:00-12:00 Bengt Hallstedt: How to do a Calphad assessment
14:15-15:15 Zi-Kui Liu: Advancing the Materials Genome
15:30-16:00 Sergey Okatov: Ab-initio investigation of point defects formation energy in paramagnetic iron and cementite
16:40-17:10 Ivan Leonov: Temperature evolution of phonon spectra of elemental iron near the α-γ phase transition
17:15-18:15 George Malcolm Stocks: Fundamental studies of defect formation and evolution
Friday, May 4th
09:00 Departure