5th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Polycrystals, CMCn 2016 and first DAMASK User Meeting
Plastic deformation of polycrystals is the result of a complex interplay of deformation mechanisms in individual grains and grain interactions. The mechanims mediating plastic deformation, e.g. dislocation glide, mechanical twinning, or displacive phase transformations, occur on the atomic scale. However, the macroscopic response of polycrystalline materials is heavily influenced by a hierarchy of microstructures, as for example precipitate structure, dislocation arrangement, grain boundaries, or crystallite orientation distribution. To arrive at computationally efficient material models various coarse-graining steps are necessary to incorporate the small-scale behaviour in effective continuum descriptions.
Simulation can replace expensive and time-consuming experiments in the design of components as well as of the tools for their production. However, accurate material models of polycrystal mechanics, which take the microstructure evolution into account, are indispensable for the achievement of such potential cost-savings and reduction in development times.
The symposium shall provide an up-to-date overview on the multi-scale modelling and simulation of polycrystal plasticity of metals. Special attention shall be given to industrially relevant multi-phase materials and materials showing mechanical twinning and phase transformations as for instance complex-phase steels, TRIP/TWIP steels, and Magnesium. New developments in the field of multi-physics simulation, e.g. combining crystal plasticity and phase field approaches, are another important topic.
In this spirit, we are looking forward to experimental, theoretical and computational contributions on all involved length scales. Topics include but are not restricted to
- fundamental mechanisms of crystal plasticity
- TWIP/TRIP effect
- behavior of grain ensembles
- coarse-graining in polycrystal deformation
- materials processing
- multi-physics simulation
- …
As this years meeting is combined with the first DAMASK User Meeting, please indicate whether you are using DAMASK. We will collect these contributions in a special session.