Home Research Research Departments Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design Soft Matter and biological Materials Soft Matter and Biological Materials Synthetic dental composite materials inspired by shark tooth enameloid H. Fabritius, J. Enax, M. Epple, D. Raabe [more] Biomimetic mechanochromic sensors based on the cuticular scales of the weevil Entimus imperialis H. Fabritius, X. Wu, A. Erbe, C. Zollfrank, S. Gorb, P. Eisenlohr, D. Raabe [more] Structure-property relations in cuticular photonic crystals of different beetle groups (Insecta, Coleoptera) H. Fabritius, X. Wu, A. Erbe, D. Raabe [more] Characterization of interfaces at transitions between skeletal elements with different properties and functions H. Fabritius, A.M. Janus, A. Ziegler, D. Raabe [more] Comparative analysis of structure, composition and mechanical properties of cuticular skeletal elements with specific functions in different species of Crustacea H. Fabritius, A. Ziegler, A.M. Janus, J. Lu, K. Balasundaram, S. Hild, D.Raabe [more] Modelling of the mechanical properties and behaviour of mineralized endocuticle from different Decapoda (Crustacea) H. Fabritius, S. Nikolov, M. Friák, P. Eisenlohr, J. Neugebauer, D. Raabe [more] Structure-property relations in mineralized cuticle of different Crustacea H. Fabritius, P. Romano, C. Sachs, A. Al-Sawalmih, K. Balasundaram, S. Karsten, S. Hild, M.Epple, D.Raabe [more] Nano-architecture and mineralization of the amorphous CaCO3 deposits during the moult cycle of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea) H. Fabritius, A. Ziegler (Universität Ulm) [more]