Publications of D. Raabe

Journal Article (845)

Journal Article
Song, R.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: Influence of Mn Content on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained C–Mn Steels. ISIJ International 45/11, pp. 1721 - 1726 (2005)
Journal Article
Sandim, H. R. Z.; Raabe, D.: EBSD study of grain subdivision of a Goss grain in coarse-grained cold-rolled niobium. Scripta Materialia 53 (2), pp. 207 - 212 (2005)
Journal Article
Song, R.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: Improvement of the work hardening rate of ultrafine grained steels through second phase particles. Scripta Materialia 52/11, pp. 1075 - 1080 (2005)
Journal Article
Song, R.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.; Kaspar, R.: Microstructure and crystallographic texture of an ultrafine grained C–Mn steel and their evolution during warm deformation and annealing. Acta Materialia 53 (3), pp. 845 - 858 (2005)
Journal Article
Bastos, A.; Raabe, D.; Zaefferer, S.; Schuh, C.: Characterization of Nanostructured Electrodeposited NiCo Samples by use of Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). Mater. Res. Soc. Sympos. Proc. 880E, BB1.3. (2005)
Journal Article
Godara, A.; Raabe, D.: Mesoscale simulation of the kinetics and topology of spherulite growth during crystallization of isotactic polypropylen (iPP) by using a cellular automaton. (2005)
Journal Article
Huh, M.-Y.; Lee, J.-H.; Park, S. H.; Engler, O.; Raabe, D.: Effect of Through-Thickness Macro and Micro-Texture Gradients on Ridging of 17%Cr Ferritic Stainless Steel Sheet. Steel Research Int. 76, 11, pp. 797 - 806 (2005)
Journal Article
Kobayashi, S.; Schneider, A.; Zaefferer, S.; Frommeyer, G.; Raabe, D.: Phase equilibria among α-Fe(Al,Cr,Ti), liquid and TiC and the formation of TiC in Fe3Al-based alloys. Acta Materialia 53 (14), pp. 3961 - 3970 (2005)
Journal Article
Konrad, J.; Zaefferer, S.; Schneider, A.; Raabe, D.; Frommeyer, G.: Hot deformation behavior of a Fe3Al-binary alloy in the A2 and B2-order regimes. Intermetallics 13 (12), pp. 1304 - 1312 (2005)
Journal Article
Raabe, D.; Hantcherli, L.: 2D cellular automaton simulation of the recrystallization texture of an IF sheet steel under consideration of Zener pinning. Computational Materials Science 34, pp. 299 - 313 (2005)
Journal Article
Raabe, D.; Romano, P.; Al-Sawalmih, A.; Sachs, C.; Servos, G.; Hartwig, H. G.: Mesostructure of the Exoskeleton of the Lobster Homarus Americanus. Mater. Res. Soc. Sympos. Proc. 874, pp. 155 - 160 (2005)
Journal Article
Raabe, D.; Romano, P.; Sachs, C.; Al-Sawalmih, A.; Brokmeier, H. G.; Yi, S. B.; Servos, G.; Hartwig, H. G.: Discovery of a honeycomb structure in the twisted plywood patterns of fibrous biological nano-composite tissue. Journal of Crystal Growth 283, 1-2, pp. 1 - 7 (2005)
Journal Article
Raabe, D.; Sachs, C.; Romano, P.: The crustacean exoskeleton as an example of a structurally and mechanically graded biological nanocomposite material. Acta Materialia 53, pp. 4281 - 4292 (2005)
Journal Article
Raabe, D.; Wang, Y.; Roters, F.: Crystal plasticity simulation study on the influence of texture on earing in steel. Computational Materials Science 34, pp. 221 - 234 (2005)
Journal Article
Song, R.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.: Mechanical properties of an ultrafine grained C­Mn steel processed by warm deformation and annealing. Acta Materialia 53, pp. 4881 - 4892 (2005)
Journal Article
Storojeva, L.; Ponge, D.; Raabe, D.; Kaspar, R.: On the influence of heavy warm reduction on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a medium-carbon ferritic steel. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 95/12, pp. 1108 - 1114 (2004)
Journal Article
Storojeva, L.; Ponge, D.; Kaspar, R.; Raabe, D.: Development of Microstructure and Texture of Medium Carbon Steel during Heavy Warm Deformation. Acta Materialia 52/8, pp. 2209 - 2220 (2004)
Journal Article
Song, R.; Ponge, D.; Kaspar, R.; Raabe, D.: Grain boundary characterization and grain size measurement in an ultrafine grained steel. Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 95/6, pp. 513 - 517 (2004)
Journal Article
Wang, Y.; Raabe, D.; Klüber, C.; Roters, F.: Orientation dependence of nanoindentation pile-up patterns and of nanoindentation microtextures in copper single crystals. Acta Materialia 52 (8), pp. 2229 - 2238 (2004)
Journal Article
Kobayashi, S.; Zaefferer, S.; Schneider, A.; Raabe, D.; Frommeyer, G.: Slip system determination by rolling texture measurements around the strength peak temperature in a Fe3Al-based alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 387–389, pp. 950 - 954 (2004)
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