Scientific Events

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Peter Schaaf Room: Seminar Room 1 Host: Prof. Gerhard Dehm Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH

MPIE-Colloquium: Complex nanostructures and nanocomposites for plasmonic and photonic applications

MPIE-Colloquium: Complex nanostructures and nanocomposites for plasmonic and photonic applications
Nanoparticles, nanowires, and many other nanostructures are produced and investigated for applications for quite some time. The desired functionality is not easy to achieve in a reproducible way. Various methods will be presented how such structures can be produced in a well defined arrangement and well defined functionality. Nanoporous gold nanosponges will be presented and it will be shown how disorder can be used to obtain a robust and reproducible functionality, i.e. disorder can be used for precision.In addition, nanoporous nanostructures can be easily tuned for applications by advancing them to nanocomposites with desired functionality, which can be used in medicine, energy storage and conversion, photocatalysis and further applications. [more]
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