Scientific Events

Speaker: Prof. Lutz Mädler Room: Seminar Room 1 Host: Prof. Dierk Raabe

High-throughput with Particle Technology

High-throughput screening is a well-established method for scientific experimentation in chemistry and biology. Examples are heterogeneous catalysts, drug developments and nanoparticle toxicology. These methods involve the synthesis of small sample volumes often in form of particles that are quickly tested. These tests are designed to quickly obtain easily accessible data (called descriptors) that are related with a predictor function to the desired properties. The descriptor-predictor-relation is found through mathematical modelling and calibration. One particle based high-throughput concept for the evaluation of potential toxicological hazards will be presented in more detail. Furthermore, a new concept is presented which transfers high-throughput screening to the exploration of new structural metals. The method comprises the synthesis of many small alloy samples in form of particles. These samples obtain a defined microstructure by fast or parallel thermal and mechanical treatments and are subsequently subjected to novel fast descriptor tests while a mathematical algorithm develops the predictor function. The method presented here is a collaborative approach among many researchers and also involves sample routing and automation considerations as well as process modelling. [more]
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